- Sub main123()
- For i = 1 To 1
- Dim url$, tt$, cookie$, str() As String
- url = "https://supplier.rt-mart.com.cn/php/checkstr.php"
- Dim ayrHttpBody() As Byte, localFilename As String
- localFilename = "F:\MyImg"
- With CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
- .Open "GET", url, True
- ' .SetRequestHeader "Cookie", cookie
- .Send
- .WaitForResponse
- If .Status = 200 Then
- ayrHttpBody() = .ResponseBody
- Open localFilename For Binary As #1
- Put #1, , ayrHttpBody()
- Close #1
- Else
- MsgBox "验证码下载失败"
- End If
- End With
- ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert (localFilename) '插入图片
- Kill localFilename
- localFilename = "F:\MyPicture"
- For Each p In ActiveSheet.Shapes
- p.CopyPicture
- With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, p.Width, p.Height).Chart
- .Paste
- .Export localFilename, "JPG" '导出jpg图片
- .Parent.Delete
- End With
- p.Delete
- Next
- Dim pic As image
- Set pic = New image
- pic.Picture = LoadPicture(localFilename)
- Kill localFilename
- pic.Picture = Convert(pic.Picture, qubiankuang)
- pic.Picture = Convert(pic.Picture, GrayScale)
- pic.Picture = Convert(pic.Picture, BlackWhite, 50)
- pic.Picture = Convert(pic.Picture, quzaodian)
- localFilename = "D:\TTTT\Myjpg" & i & ".jpg"
- stdole.SavePicture pic.Picture, localFilename
- Set pic = Nothing
- ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert (localFilename) '插入图片
- Kill localFilename
- For Each p In ActiveSheet.Shapes
- p.CopyPicture
- With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, p.Width - 1, p.Height - 1).Chart
- .Paste
- .Export localFilename, "JPG" '导出jpg图片
- .Parent.Delete
- End With
- p.Delete
- Next
- Dim FMyFuns As Object
- Dim MyStr As String
- Set FMyFuns = CreateObject("MyOcrServer.MyOcrServerCom")
- MyStr = FMyFuns.TsOcr("D:\TTTT\Myjpg" & i & ".jpg", "", "", "", "chi_sim")
- MsgBox MyStr
- Set FMyFuns = Nothing
- Next
- End Sub
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