楼主 |
发表于 2012-2-17 11:12
[code=vb]Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim iPoints As Integer
Dim iNodesCount As Integer
Dim shpPointTemp As Shape
Dim bfTemp As FreeformBuilder
Dim shpFreeform As Shape
Dim bBessel As Boolean
Dim effTemp As Effect
Dim bhvTemp As AnimationBehavior
Dim sinX0 As Single
Dim sinY0 As Single
Dim sinX1 As Single
Dim sinY1 As Single
Dim sinX2 As Single
Dim sinY2 As Single
Dim sinX3 As Single
Dim sinY3 As Single
Dim sinSldWidth As Single
Dim sinSldHeight As Single
Dim strVMLPath As String
Set sldTemp = ActivePresentation.Slides(Me.cbbSlide.ListIndex + 1)
With sldTemp
On Error GoTo errHandler
sinSldWidth = .Master.Width
sinSldHeight = .Master.Height
Set shpPointStyle = .Shapes(Me.cbbPointStyle.Text)
If Me.mpReference.Value = 0 Then
bBessel = Me.optBessel.Value
iPoints = Me.lstRefShapes.ListCount
Set shpTemp = .Shapes(Me.lstRefShapes.List(0))
Set bfTemp = .Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, _
shpTemp.Left + shpTemp.Width / 2, _
shpTemp.Top + shpTemp.Height / 2)
For i = 1 To iPoints - 1
Set shpTemp = .Shapes(Me.lstRefShapes.List(i))
If Me.optBessel Then
bfTemp.AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, _
shpTemp.Left + shpTemp.Width / 2, _
shpTemp.Top + shpTemp.Height / 2
bfTemp.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, _
shpTemp.Left + shpTemp.Width / 2, _
shpTemp.Top + shpTemp.Height / 2
End If
Next i
Set shpFreeform = bfTemp.ConvertToShape
With shpFreeform.Line
.Visible = msoTrue
.Weight = Me.txtLineWeight
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(Me.txtR.Text, Me.txtG.Text, Me.txtB.Text)
End With
shpPointStyle.ZOrder msoBringToFront
Set shpFreeform = .Shapes(Me.cbbFreeform.Text)
With shpFreeform
If .Nodes(1).SegmentType = msoSegmentCurve Then
bBessel = True
bBessel = False
End If
End With
End If
iNodesCount = shpFreeform.Nodes.Count
If bBessel Then
strVMLPath = "M 0 0 C "
If Me.optOnePoint.Value Then
With shpFreeform
shpPointStyle.Left = .Nodes(1).Points(1, 1) - shpPointStyle.Width / 2
shpPointStyle.Top = .Nodes(1).Points(1, 2) - shpPointStyle.Height / 2
sinX0 = .Nodes(1).Points(1, 1)
sinY0 = .Nodes(1).Points(1, 2)
For i = 1 To VBA.Int(iNodesCount / 3)
sinX1 = .Nodes(3 * (i - 1) + 2).Points(1, 1)
sinY1 = .Nodes(3 * (i - 1) + 2).Points(1, 2)
sinX2 = .Nodes(3 * (i - 1) + 3).Points(1, 1)
sinY2 = .Nodes(3 * (i - 1) + 3).Points(1, 2)
sinX3 = .Nodes(3 * (i - 1) + 4).Points(1, 1)
sinY3 = .Nodes(3 * (i - 1) + 4).Points(1, 2)
strVMLPath = strVMLPath & (sinX1 - sinX0) / sinSldWidth & " " & (sinY1 - sinY0) / sinSldHeight & " " _
& (sinX2 - sinX0) / sinSldWidth & " " & (sinY2 - sinY0) / sinSldHeight & " " _
& (sinX3 - sinX0) / sinSldWidth & " " & (sinY3 - sinY0) / sinSldHeight & IIf(i < VBA.Int(iNodesCount / 3), " C ", " E")
Next i
End With
Set effTemp = .TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect( _
Shape:=shpPointStyle, _
effectid:=msoAnimEffectCustom, _
With effTemp
Set bhvTemp = .Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeProperty)
With bhvTemp
With .Timing
.Duration = 1
.TriggerDelayTime = 0
End With
With .PropertyEffect
.Property = msoAnimOpacity
.From = 0
.To = 1
End With
End With
Set bhvTemp = .Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeMotion)
With bhvTemp
With .Timing
.Duration = 4
.TriggerDelayTime = 1
End With
With .MotionEffect
.Path = strVMLPath
End With
End With
End With
For j = 1 To VBA.Int(iNodesCount / 3) + 1
strVMLPath = "M 0 0 C "
If j = 1 Then
Set shpPointTemp = shpPointStyle.Duplicate.Item(1)
With shpPointTemp
.Name = "shpPoint" & j
.Left = shpFreeform.Nodes(1).Points(1, 1) - .Width / 2
.Top = shpFreeform.Nodes(1).Points(1, 2) - .Width / 2
End With
Set effTemp = .TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect( _
Shape:=shpPointTemp, _
effectid:=msoAnimEffectCustom, _
With effTemp
Set bhvTemp = .Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeProperty)
With bhvTemp
With .Timing
.Duration = 1
End With
With .PropertyEffect
.Property = msoAnimOpacity
.From = 0
.To = 1
End With
End With
End With
Set shpPointTemp = shpPointStyle.Duplicate.Item(1)
With shpPointTemp
.Name = "shpPoint" & j
.Left = shpFreeform.Nodes(3 * (j - 2) + 1).Points(1, 1) - .Width / 2
.Top = shpFreeform.Nodes(3 * (j - 2) + 1).Points(1, 2) - .Width / 2
End With
Set effTemp = .TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect( _
Shape:=shpPointTemp, _
effectid:=msoAnimEffectCustom, _
With effTemp
Set bhvTemp = .Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeProperty)
With bhvTemp
With .Timing
.Duration = 0.1
End With
With .PropertyEffect
.Property = msoAnimOpacity
.From = 0
.To = 1
End With
End With
With shpFreeform
sinX0 = .Nodes(3 * (j - 2) + 1).Points(1, 1)
sinY0 = .Nodes(3 * (j - 2) + 1).Points(1, 2)
sinX1 = .Nodes(3 * (j - 2) + 2).Points(1, 1)
sinY1 = .Nodes(3 * (j - 2) + 2).Points(1, 2)
sinX2 = .Nodes(3 * (j - 2) + 3).Points(1, 1)
sinY2 = .Nodes(3 * (j - 2) + 3).Points(1, 2)
sinX3 = .Nodes(3 * (j - 2) + 4).Points(1, 1)
sinY3 = .Nodes(3 * (j - 2) + 4).Points(1, 2)
End With
strVMLPath = strVMLPath & (sinX1 - sinX0) / sinSldWidth & " " & (sinY1 - sinY0) / sinSldHeight & " " _
& (sinX2 - sinX0) / sinSldWidth & " " & (sinY2 - sinY0) / sinSldHeight & " " _
& (sinX3 - sinX0) / sinSldWidth & " " & (sinY3 - sinY0) / sinSldHeight & " E"
' Debug.Print j & ": " & strVMLPath
Set bhvTemp = .Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeMotion)
With bhvTemp
With .Timing
.Duration = 0.9
.TriggerDelayTime = 0.1
End With
With .MotionEffect
.Path = strVMLPath
End With
End With
End With
End If
Next j
End If
Else[/code] |