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[分享] golf clubs irons selections




发表于 2011-8-2 10:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
golf clubs irons selections

In a golf course, we find bunkers and water bodies. We wonder why they are there in the course. They are called hazards or obstacles, laid in the golf course to make the game more difficult for the wholesale golf clubs. Depressions are created in the ground and filled with sand. Water hazards may be a pond or a stream. Golfers try to avoid such hazards, but if the ball lands in hazards, the player hits the ball if it is playable otherwise lifts the ball out and plays or plays another wholesale golf clubs. If the player uses another ball, he is penalized and one more stroke is added to his score.Now let us see some basic principles of the game. The grip of the player on his club is very important. The grips are of three types: overlapping, interlocking or the baseball grip. A golfer however chooses the one that is most comfortable to him.Next, a proper stance is important for an accurate swing. Golfers use wide stance for long shots and a narrow stance for close shots, in order to maintain balance. Proper body coordination is important for a correct swing. A golfer lines up the club head with the ball, first, shifts his body weight to his rear leg, and makes his back golf clubs irons. As he makes the down swing, the weight is shifted forward, hits the ball, and follows through.Some terms used in golf are golf clubs irons, “bridle” which a score is gained under par on a hole.“Bogie” is a score of one above par on a hole and a double bogie and triple bogie are two and three above par hole.“Eagle” is two scores under a par hole.If a player puts the ball into the hole from a tee shot is known as “hole in one” or an “ace”.



发表于 2011-8-3 12:30 | 显示全部楼层

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