Scaled-in-cell-charting Usage: =linechart(A3:E3,203,$A$3:$E$8) ' A3:E8 numeric data, 203 is RGB value Function LineChart(Points As Range, Color As Long, Optional VerticalScale As Range) As String Dim rCaller As Range Dim avNames() As Variant Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long Dim dMin As Double, dMax As Double, dScaleMin As Double, dScaleMax As Double Dim shp As Shape Dim rScale As Range Dim dEffWidth As Double, dEffHeight As Double, dEffBottom As Double, dEffLeft As Double Const lMARGIN As Long = 2 Set rCaller = Application.Caller ShapeDelete rCaller 'If VerticalScale Is Nothing Then ' Set rScale = Points 'Else ' Set rScale = VerticalScale 'End If If VerticalScale Is Nothing Then Set rScale = Points Else If Not Application.Intersect(Points, VerticalScale) Is Nothing Then If Application.Intersect(Points, VerticalScale).Address = _ Points.Address Then Set rScale = VerticalScale Else Set rScale = Application.Union(Points, VerticalScale) End If Else Set rScale = Application.Union(Points, VerticalScale) End If End If With Application.WorksheetFunction dMin = .Min(Points) dMax = .Max(Points) dScaleMin = .Min(rScale) dScaleMax = .Max(rScale) End With dEffWidth = rCaller.Width - (lMARGIN * 2) dEffHeight = rCaller.Height - (lMARGIN * 2) dEffBottom = rCaller.Top + lMARGIN + dEffHeight dEffLeft = rCaller.Left + lMARGIN With rCaller.Worksheet.Shapes For i = 0 To Points.Count - 2 Set shp = .AddLine( _ dEffLeft + (i * (dEffWidth) / (Points.Count - 1)), _ dEffBottom - (dEffHeight * (Points(, i + 1) - dScaleMin + 1) / (dScaleMax - dScaleMin + 1)), _ dEffLeft + ((i + 1) * (dEffWidth) / (Points.Count - 1)), _ dEffBottom - (dEffHeight * (Points(, i + 2) - dScaleMin + 1) / (dScaleMax - dScaleMin + 1))) On Error Resume Next j = 0 j = UBound(avNames) + 1 On Error GoTo 0 ReDim Preserve avNames(j) avNames(j) = shp.Name Next With rCaller.Worksheet.Shapes.Range(avNames) .Group .Line.ForeColor.RGB = Abs(Color) End With End With LineChart = "" End Function Sub ShapeDelete(rngSelect As Range) Dim rng As Range, shp As Shape, blnDelete As Boolean
For Each shp In rngSelect.Worksheet.Shapes blnDelete = False Set rng = Intersect(Range(shp.TopLeftCell, shp.BottomRightCell), rngSelect) If Not rng Is Nothing Then If rng.Address = Range(shp.TopLeftCell, shp.BottomRightCell).Address Then blnDelete = True End If If blnDelete Then shp.Delete Next End Sub 下载
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