select 班级,count(姓名) as 单科上线 from [七年级$] where 语文>=87 and 姓名 is not null group by 班级 union all
select 班级,count(姓名) from [七年级$] where 数学>=86 and 姓名 is not null group by 班级 union all
select 班级,count(姓名) from [七年级$] where 英语>=78 and 姓名 is not null group by 班级 union all
select 班级,count(姓名) from [七年级$] where 思品>=39 and 姓名 is not null group by 班级 union all
select 班级,count(姓名) from [七年级$] where 历史>=37 and 姓名 is not null group by 班级 union all
select 班级,count(姓名) from [七年级$] where 地理>=12.8 and 姓名 is not null group by 班级 union all
select 班级,count(姓名) from [七年级$] where 生物>=13.2 and 姓名 is not null group by 班级
[ 本帖最后由 抹香鲸2009 于 2010-8-5 11:06 编辑 ] |