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[原创] 用vba进行成绩核算




发表于 2010-7-17 11:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sub 算成绩()
m = InputBox("请输入年级如1、2、3、4、5、6")        '记录年级
Dim xx(1 To 9) As String
xx(2) = "兴": xx(3) = "东": xx(4) = "西": xx(5) = "峪": xx(6) = "普": xx(7) = "尧": xx(8) = "苏": xx(9) = "后"
If m < 5 Then
xx(1) = "南"
xx(1) = "南1"
xx(8) = "南2"
End If
Dim xxhz(1 To 9) As String
xxhz(2) = "兴中": xxhz(3) = "东风": xxhz(4) = "西沟": xxhz(5) = "峪头"
xxhz(6) = "普乐塬": xxhz(7) = "尧场": xxhz(8) = "苏家坡": xxhz(9) = "后沟"
If m < 5 Then
xxhz(1) = "南村"
xxhz(1) = "南1"
xxhz(8) = "南2"
End If
Dim kmb(1 To 3) As String
kmb(1) = "语": kmb(2) = "数": kmb(3) = "英"
If m < 5 Then
xxs = 9
xxs = 8
End If
For q = 1 To xxs
  n = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A2: A60")) - 11          '记录考试人数
  l = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("语文", Range("a2:e2"), 0)                                 '记录"语文"所在列数
  ywzf = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(3, l), Cells(n + 2, l)))                      '语文总分
  sxzf = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(3, l + 1), Cells(n + 2, l + 1)))              '数学总分
  ywjg = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(3, l), Cells(n + 2, l)), ">59")           '语文及格人数
  sxjg = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(3, l + 1), Cells(n + 2, l + 1)), ">59")   '数学及格人数
  ywyx = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(3, l), Cells(n + 2, l)), ">79")           '语文优秀人数
  sxyx = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(3, l + 1), Cells(n + 2, l + 1)), ">79")   '数学优秀人数
  If m > 2 Then
  yyzf = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(3, l + 2), Cells(n + 2, l + 2)))               '英语总分
  yyjg = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(3, l + 2), Cells(n + 2, l + 2)), ">59")    '英语及格人数
  yyyx = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(Cells(3, l + 2), Cells(n + 2, l + 2)), ">79")    '英语优秀人数
  End If
  Cells(n + 3, l) = ywzf: Cells(n + 3, l + 1) = sxzf                        '语文、数学总分
  Cells(n + 4, l) = Round(ywzf / n, 2)                                      '语文、数学均分
  Cells(n + 4, l + 1) = Round(sxzf / n, 2)
  Cells(n + 5, l) = Round(Cells(n + 4, l) * 0.6, 2)                         '语文、数学均分折分
  Cells(n + 5, l + 1) = Round(Cells(n + 4, l + 1) * 0.6, 2)
  Cells(n + 6, l) = ywjg: Cells(n + 6, l + 1) = sxjg                         '语文、数学及格人数
  Cells(n + 7, l) = Round(ywjg / n * 100, 2)                                 '语文、数学及格率
  Cells(n + 7, l + 1) = Round(sxjg / n * 100, 2)
  Cells(n + 8, l) = Round(Cells(n + 7, l) * 0.25, 2)                         '语文、数学及格率折分
  Cells(n + 8, l + 1) = Round(Cells(n + 7, l + 1) * 0.25, 2)
  Cells(n + 9, l) = ywyx: Cells(n + 9, l + 1) = sxyx                         '语文、数学优秀人数
  Cells(n + 10, l) = Round(ywyx / n * 100, 2)                                '语文、数学优秀率
  Cells(n + 10, l + 1) = Round(sxyx / n * 100, 2)
  Cells(n + 11, l) = Round(Cells(n + 10, l) * 0.15, 2)                       '语文、数学优秀率折分
  Cells(n + 11, l + 1) = Round(Cells(n + 10, l + 1) * 0.15, 2)
  Cells(n + 12, l) = Cells(n + 5, l) + Cells(n + 8, l) + Cells(n + 11, l)                       '语文、数学积分
  Cells(n + 12, l + 1) = Cells(n + 5, l + 1) + Cells(n + 8, l + 1) + Cells(n + 11, l + 1)
  If m > 2 Then                                     '英语科
  Cells(n + 3, l + 2) = yyzf
  Cells(n + 4, l + 2) = Round(yyzf / n, 2)
  Cells(n + 5, l + 2) = Round(Cells(n + 4, l + 2) * 0.6, 2)
  Cells(n + 6, l + 2) = yyjg
  Cells(n + 7, l + 2) = Round(yyjg / n * 100, 2)
  Cells(n + 8, l + 2) = Round(Cells(n + 7, l + 2) * 0.25, 2)
  Cells(n + 9, l + 2) = yyyx
  Cells(n + 10, l + 2) = Round(yyyx / n * 100, 2)
  Cells(n + 11, l + 2) = Round(Cells(n + 10, l + 2) * 0.15, 2)
  Cells(n + 12, l + 2) = Cells(n + 5, l + 2) + Cells(n + 8, l + 2) + Cells(n + 11, l + 2)
  End If
  hg = 0
  For i = 3 To n + 2
  If m < 3 Then
  Cells(i, l + 2) = Round(Cells(i, l) + Cells(i, l + 1), 0)
  If Cells(i, l) > 59 And Cells(i, l + 1) > 59 And Cells(i, l + 2) > 59 Then hg = hg + 1
  Cells(i, l + 3) = Round(Cells(i, l) + Cells(i, l + 1) + Cells(i, l + 2), 0)
  If Cells(i, l) > 59 And Cells(i, l + 1) > 59 And Cells(i, l + 2) > 59 Then hg = hg + 1
  End If
  Next i
  If m < 3 Then
  Cells(n + 6, l + 2) = hg
  Cells(n + 6, l + 3) = hg
  End If
  If m < 3 Then
  km = 2
  km = 3
  End If
  For gl = 1 To km
  kml = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(xxhz(q), Range("a2:j2"), 0)                                 '寻找学校所在列数
  Cells(4, kml) = n
  If gl = 1 Then Cells(5, kml) = ywzf
  If gl = 2 Then Cells(5, kml) = sxzf
  If gl = 3 Then Cells(5, kml) = yyzf
  Cells(6, kml) = Round(Cells(5, kml) / n, 2)
  If gl = 1 Then Cells(7, kml) = ywjg
  If gl = 2 Then Cells(7, kml) = sxjg
  If gl = 3 Then Cells(7, kml) = yyjg
  Cells(8, kml) = Round(Cells(7, kml) / n * 100, 2)
  If gl = 1 Then Cells(9, kml) = ywyx
  If gl = 2 Then Cells(9, kml) = sxyx
  If gl = 3 Then Cells(9, kml) = yyyx
  Cells(10, kml) = Round(Cells(9, kml) / n * 100, 2)
  Cells(11, kml) = Round(Cells(6, kml) * 0.6 + Cells(8, kml) * 0.25 + Cells(10, kml) * 0.15, 2)
  Next gl
Next q
If m < 3 Then
km = 2
km = 3
End If
For gl = 1 To km
hjl = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("合计", Range("a2:k2"), 0)                                       '寻找合计列
Cells(4, hjl) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(4, 2), Cells(4, hjl - 1)))                         '合计人数
Cells(5, hjl) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(5, 2), Cells(5, hjl - 1)))                        '合计总分
Cells(6, hjl) = Round(Cells(5, hjl) / Cells(4, hjl), 2)                                                    '合计均分
Cells(7, hjl) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(7, 2), Cells(7, hjl - 1)))                         '合计及格人数
Cells(8, hjl) = Round(Cells(7, hjl) / Cells(4, hjl) * 100, 2)                                              '合计及格率
Cells(9, hjl) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Cells(9, 2), Cells(9, hjl - 1)))                         '合计优秀人数
Cells(10, hjl) = Round(Cells(9, hjl) / Cells(4, hjl) * 100, 2)                                             '合计优秀率
Cells(11, hjl) = Round(Cells(6, hjl) * 0.6 + Cells(8, hjl) * 0.25 + Cells(10, hjl) * 0.15, 2)              '学科积分
Cells(12, hjl) = "-"
Cells(13, hjl) = "-"
Cells(14, hjl) = "-"
For mc = 2 To hjl - 1
Cells(12, mc) = Round(Cells(11, mc) - Cells(11, hjl), 2)                                                   '与学科积分相差分
Cells(13, mc) = Round(Cells(11, mc) - Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range(Cells(11, 2), Cells(11, hjl - 1))), 2)                     '低于学科最高积分
Cells(14, mc) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Rank(Cells(11, mc), Range(Cells(11, 2), Cells(11, hjl - 1))) '名次
Next mc
Next gl
End Sub

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