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OL2000: (CW) Configuring the Internet E-mail Information Service
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft Outlook 2000
NOTE: These procedures only apply if you have installed Outlook with the Corporate or Workgroup option. This option allows you to use Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) services. To determine your installation type, on the Help Menu click About Microsoft Outlook. In About Microsoft Outlook you should see "Corporate or Workgroup" if you have the Corporate or Workgroup installation.
In Microsoft Outlook 2000, the Internet E-mail Information Service stores information that allows you to log on to your Internet Mail Server and by which initiates the log on process. Outlook provides this service during a typical setup scenario. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) provides most of the information that populates the configuration pages of the Internet E-mail Information Service. This article describes how to configure the Internet E-mail service.
NOTE: The Corporate or Workgroup installation does not support the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP).
For additional information about using Outlook with Hotmail and other Web-based e-mail providers, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q234704 How to View Hotmail Messages in Outlook 2000
For additional information about using Outlook with America Online (AOL), click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q243336 AOL E-mail Service Is Not Available for Outlook Users
More Information
The Internet E-mail service is designed for those users who have installed Outlook with the Corporate or Workgroup (CW) setup option and also need to use other e-mail services, such as cc:Mail, or Exchange Server mail on the same computer. If you only use an Internet Service Provider's POP3 e-mail server and no other type of e-mail account then you should use Outlook with the Internet Mail Only (IMO) setup option.
To switch from CW to IMO on the Outlook Tools menu, click Options. Under the Mail Delivery tab, click the "Reconfigure Mail Support..." button.
Configuring the Internet E-mail Service
You must properly configure the Internet E-mail information service to send and receive mail with Outlook. To configure this information service, follow these steps:
Start Outlook, and on the Tools menu, click Services.
On the Services tab, click Internet E-mail information service, and click Properties. If Internet E-mail is not listed, click Add, click Internet E-mail, and click OK.
Type in the required properties, using the following guidelines.
General Tab
The General tab contains information needed to connect to your mail server. Your ISP will supply most of this information to you. Type the following information in the appropriate boxes:
Mail Account: Type a name for this account.
User Information:
Name: This should be your full name.
Organization: The name of your company; not a required entry.
E-mail Address: your ISP provides you with this address.
Your e-mail address usually takes the form of a combination of your first and last name and the name of your ISP, separated by the @ symbol and periods. For example, John Doe uses an ISP by the name if MYISPNET. The ISP may assign an e-mail address of JohnD@myispnet.net.
Reply address: You may enter an alternate e-mail address for all replies to be sent.
Servers Tab
Server Information Section:
Incoming mail (POP3): This is the name of the POP3 server that holds your mail before you download it to your computer.
This name may be in the form of pop3.myispnet.net, or it could be in the form of an IP address such as 222.333.22.3.
Outgoing mail (SMTP): This is the name of the Outgoing mail server.
Type this name in lower case. This may be in the form of a name such as smtp.myispnet.net, or it could be in the form of an IP address such as 222.333.22.1. Get this information from your ISP.
Incoming Mail Server Section:
Account Name: This is your Internet Mail Server account name. Your ISP may call this your Mailbox name. The form is everything to the left of the @ symbol in your e-mail address.
Password: This is your key to your mail server. Generally, you define your own password. Your ISP may assign an initial password however, you should change it as soon as possible.
Outgoing Mail Server Section:
My server requires authentication: check to turn this on and click the Settings button to enter the type of logon authentication your server requires.
Connection Tab
Connection Section:
The Connection tab contains information on how to connect to your mail server. There are three ways to connect to your ISP's mail server.
Connect using my local area network (LAN)
Connect using my phone line
I establish my Internet connection manually
Choose the appropriate connection type listed in this section.
Connect using my Local Area Network (LAN): This connection allows you to log in to your mail server through your existing network connection. Your network configuration must support access to the Internet. Please see your network administrator for more details.
Connect using my phone line: The Internet Mail Service looks for a Dialup Networking connection to establish a login with your ISP. Once you are logged in to your ISP, it attempts to connect to your ISP's mail server.
If this section is dimmed or not available, it may indicate that the Windows Dialup Networking feature is not installed on your computer. Please refer to the section below "If Dialup Networking is not installed".
Connect using Internet Explorer's or a 3rd party dialer: You must manually connect to this server before you can send, receive, or update messages.
If you do not have an existing connection, you can add a new connection by clicking Add. This starts the Dialup Networking Connection Wizard.
Modem Section:
After selecting "Connect using my phone line", you must define a Dialup Networking connection to use. You can select an existing connection from the list, or you can use Add a new entry to create a new connection.
To edit the connection entry, modify an existing connection by clicking Properties. This will take you to the existing connection's Properties page.
Advanced Tab
This tab allows you to set the SMTP server port, whether the server requires secure connection, server timeout settings and delivery settings. The delivery settings allow you to read mail, but leave the message on the server for a specified time.
Transferring Internet Mail
There are four ways to get your Internet e-mail.
Press F5 on the keyboard.
On the Tools menu, point to Send or Send and Receive, and then click your e-mail account name.
Click the Send and Receive button on the Standard toolbar.
Connect via the Remote Mail Toolbar buttons.
Pressing F5 on the keyboard checks your connection type and then uploads the mail from your Outbox and downloads your mail from the server. If you are connected through a LAN connection mail will flow with no other dialog boxes. If you connect to your ISP with a modem, the Dial Up Networking connection will start and establish the connection. Mail will then upload from your Outbox and download from the mail server.
You can choose to send mail only. On the Tools menu, click Send. This option will not download any mail from the server.
Selecting Send And Receive on the Tools menu in the case of multiple e-mail accounts, gives you the option to select the mail account you wish to use.
Clicking the Send and Receive button on the Standard Toolbar is the same as pressing F5 on the keyboard.
With Remote Mail, you can scan the headers, and then mark the messages you want to receive, copy, or delete. While using Remote Mail, you can compose messages and send them to your Outbox at any time and send and receive messages when you connect to your Mailbox. This feature allows you to keep your mail on the server.
Options Internet E-mail Tab
On the Internet E-mail tab, you can select the mail format and scheduling options. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Internet E-mail Tab.
Internet E-mail sending format: Click the appropriate sending format for your ISP. MIME is the default. UUENCODE is an older format, but is still in use. Check your ISP for their requirements and set accordingly.
Set the character wrap value: When sending a message, wrap text at x characters per line, where x is the number of characters allowed per line, the default value is 76. This value can be changed to fit your needs.
Scheduling: Click "Check my local network connection(s) for new mail every x minute(s)." The default value is 10 minutes. This option sets the time interval for message delivery and applies to both modem and network connections.
If you are working offline and use a modem to connect to your ISP, click to select "Automatically dial when checking for new messages." Setting this option will have your computer dial your ISP.
If Dialup Networking Is Not Installed
To use a modem connection, you must install and configure Dialup Networking included with Windows 95. Your ISP will supply the following information:
User name
Local access phone number
Your host and domain name
DNS server IP address
Authentication technique (whether or not a terminal window is used)
Your ISP may also supply you with an IP address and an IP subnet mask. You need these optional items only if your provider gives you a dedicated IP address to use every time you dial in.
For more detailed information on configuring Dialup Networking in Windows 9x, please refer to the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q138789 : How to Connect to the Internet in Windows 95/98
For additional information about troubleshooting Outlook configuration problems, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q195795 OL2000: (CW) Troubleshooting Outlook Configuration Problems |