我在学西方经济学时,pareto optimal被称作帕累托最优,是指当没有谁可能在不损害他人福利的前提下进一步改善自己福利的情况。帕累托他老人家大约和袁世凯、孙中山之类的是同时代人,好象没活到文革那前。
The Pareto chart is named after an economist, Vilfredo Pareto,who mathematically proved in the sixteenth century that 80 percent of the world’s wealth was controlled by 20 percent of the population. This concept is popularly called the 80–20 rule. For example, 80 percent of your day is spent on 20 percent of what your job description entails.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-30 7:37:16编辑过] |