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发表于 2004-4-22 13:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

在编辑Word文档时,细心的人会发现,原来只有几十K的文档经过几次编辑后,身材竟然胖达上百K,甚至几百K,这是什么原因呢?怎样来给它减肥呢?试试下面的办法吧。      1.关闭“快速保存”选项      在Word中,打开“工具→选项→快速保存”选项,选中这个选项时,每次进行保存文档的操作则只保存文档的修改部分,保存速度较快,但文档的大小也会增加,即使是对文档进行删减操作也是如此。目前计算机的速度较快,因此开启这项功能所带来速度的增加毫不明显,但付出的代价是文档的大小急剧膨胀,建议不要选中这个选项。如果你有一个Word文档选中了这个选项,那么试着关闭这个选项,再对文档稍作修改,然后保存,你会惊奇地发现文档的大小会大幅度缩小!      2.选择适当的图片格式      在Word文档中引用的图片格式一般有三种,BMP、JPG、GIF。BMP格式保存的图片保真度较高,但大小往往是其它两种格式的几倍至几十倍,而照片、扫描图片等用GIF格式保存则失真非常严重,因此建议图片先采用JPG格式保存,然后再引入到Word文档中,这种格式的图片大小不仅比BMP格式小很多,而且往往也比GIF的格式小,而保真度与BMP格式则相差无几。      3.利用“插入”引入图片      在Word中插入图片有两种方法,第一种是将图片保存为一个JPG格式的文件,选择“插入→图片→来自文件”,打开“插入图片”对话框,选中所需插入的图片文件,点击“插入”即可。另一种是用“画图”、“Microsoft照片编辑器”等打开这个JPG文件,选中并复制,然后在Word中点击“粘贴”即可插入。强烈建议大家采用第一种方法,虽然两种方法在Word中得到的图片质量是一样的,但第一种方法所形成的Word文档的大小可能会比第二种小几十倍!      4.利用工具软件调整图片大小      虽然当图片引入Word文档后,可以改变图片的尺寸,但是这对文档的大小并没有影响,而在“Microsoft照片编辑器”等软件中,减小图片的尺寸则会使图片文件的大小相应减小,因此建议先在工具软件中将图片的尺寸减小至合适的程度,然后再引入至Word文档中,这样也能有效降低Word文档的大小。      上述方法不仅对Word文档有效,而且对于Excel和PowerPoint文档也是可行的,有时甚至能将文档大小减少为原来的几十分之一。




发表于 2004-4-22 13:25 | 显示全部楼层

这是EXCEL HACKS中关于如何给Excel减肥的,没功夫翻,自己看吧。

Reduce Workbook Bloat

Ever notice that your workbook is increasing in size at an alarming rate for no apparent reason? There are several causes of workbook bloat, and some slimming solutions.

Have you ever eaten so much that you can't function properly? Workbook bloat in Excel is much the same thing. Workbook bloat is a term for a workbook that has had so much done to it that it has swollen to such a size it can no longer function correctly.

We checked out the size of a typical workbook containing a fairly large amount of data. With data only, the workbook file size was 1.37 MB. Then we added a pivot table referencing four entire columns for its data source and noted that the file size increased dramatically to 2.4 MB. Add some formatting and your typical workbook size has blown out to almost double by performing a few actions.

One of the more common causes of file bloat, particularly in earlier versions of Excel, is the application of formats to entire columns or rows rather than to just the data range in use. Another mistake is referencing entire columns as the data source for charts and pivot tables rather than just the cells with actual data in them. To fix these problems, you will need to eliminate all the superfluous formatting and restrict your data source to only the useful range of cells.

Before doing such refactoring, always make a copy of your workbook for safekeeping.

Eliminating Superfluous Formatting

The first step in eliminating superfluous formatting is to figure out where your worksheet's data ends—the bottom righthand corner of your data, if you will. Don't rely on Edit Go To... Special Last Cell, as this might take you to the last cell containing formatting, not actual data. Having manually located the cell you know to be your last cell containing legitimate data, highlight the row immediately following it. While pressing the Ctrl and Shift keys, press the down arrow on your keyboard to highlight all rows beneath that row and select Edit Clear All to clear them.

Now apply the same logic to unwanted formatting lurking in your columns. Locate the cell in the last column containing data and click the column header of the column immediately to the right. Press Ctrl-Shift and the right arrow on your keyboard to highlight all other columns to the right and then select Edit Clear All.

Don't be tempted to actually delete these rows or columns rather than clearing them, as doing so often causes the dreaded #REF! error in any cells of any formulas that might reference them.

Save your workbook and take gleeful note of the change in its file size by selecting File Properties... General.

If you have macros, now you need to address the modules that the macro code resides in. This is a fairly quick, painless, and straightforward process that entails exporting all modules and UserForms to your hard drive and then deleting the existing modules and UserForms, pressing Save, and importing the modules you exported.

To do this, go into the Visual Basic Editor and, from within the Project Explorer, right-click each module and select Remove Module1 (or whatever the name of the module happens to be). When you are asked whether you want to export your module before removing it, say Yes, taking note of the path.

Do this for each module in turn, as well as for any UserForms you might have. Don't forget the private modules of your workbook and worksheets if they house code as well. Once you have done all this, save the workbook. Then, select File Import File and import each module and UserForm back into your workbook. Following this process will create a text file of each module and that, in turn, removes all extra baggage that the modules might be holding.

The Web contains some free utilities that will automate this task to some degree, but we have heard cases of these utilities making a mess of code or even increasing file sizes. If you do use one of these, always save a backup copy first, as the developers will take no responsibility for any loss of data.

Honing Data Sources

If, after performing the previous steps, you still believe your file size is unrealistically large, another possible suspect is referencing unused cells in PivotTables and PivotCharts. This is true particularly of PivotTables, as people frequently reference all 65,536 rows in order to avoid manually updating ranges as new data is added. If this is your modus operandi, use dynamic named ranges [Hack #42] for your data sources instead.

Cleaning Corrupted Workbooks

If you still believe your workbook is too large, it is possible that your workbook or component sheets are corrupt. Unfortunately, determining a point of corruption requires a manual process of elimination.

Again, we strongly advise you to save a copy of your workbook before proceeding.

To be sure you're not missing anything, unhide any hidden sheets by selecting Format Sheet Unhide. If this menu option is grayed out, you have no hidden worksheets to worry about. With all your sheets visible, start from the sheet on the far left and move one-by-one to the right. For each in turn, delete it, save your workbook, and note its file size by selecting File Properties General. If the file size drops dramatically considering the amount of data on that sheet, you've probably found your corruption.

To replace a corrupt sheet in your workbook, create a new worksheet, manually select the data in the corrupt sheet, and cut (do not copy) and paste it into the new sheet. Delete the corrupt sheet from your workbook, save, and repeat.

By cutting rather than copying, Excel automatically will follow the data to the new sheet, keeping references intact.



发表于 2004-4-22 13:34 | 显示全部楼层





[此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-22 13:35:59编辑过]



发表于 2004-4-22 14:23 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2004-4-22 16:08 | 显示全部楼层
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图片用acdsee-->tools--〉convert 可以改变格式 , 我觉得既然不用打印出来,直接做成gif的不是更小麽



发表于 2004-4-25 08:20 | 显示全部楼层



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