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2.1 The SUPPLIER shall have design and produce Positive seal ball valves’ qualification and shall be capable of providing high quality after services and technical support. The SUPPLIER shall present the reference list which evidencing the supply in recent 5 years of Positive seal ball valves used in station for the long distance gas transmission pipelines or other related fields. The bidder is required to submit the actual application of its Positive seal ball valves used in station in services and present the main technical parameters of its products in SI format, The parameters include valve size, pressure class, end-user name and location, year of supply, the brand of actuators supplied along with the valves and operating state of the valve assembled with the actuator.
2.2 The SUPPLIER shall provide the sophisticated technology and products as evidenced by relevant reference list and application. Those products that cannot be referenced by enough actual application for the similar valve size and pressure class of this project shall be rejected.
2.2 供货商应提供成熟技术和产品,并需有相关业绩和实际应用证明。无充分实际应用的产品将不被采用。
2.3 In consideration of long term aftermarket services and technical support including on-site installation, maintenance, inspection, the SUPPLIER shall be capable of providing the said services and support from domestic. The main equipment SUPPLIER and its sub-vendors shall be ISO 9000-2000 certified. and the valve SUPPLIER shall be API 6D certified.
2.4 The bidder is required to submit an brief introduction which includes the SUPPLIER who designs, manufactures, supplies and provides the after services and technical support for this particular project and its sub-vendors who provides the main components of the products.
2.4 投标者需递交简介,内容包括为本项目设计、制造、供货、提供售后服务和技术支持的制造商、主要零部件分包商、部门、工厂。
2.5 The valve SUPPLIER being the main contractor for the valves complete with the actuators to this project shall be responsible for the complete assembly of valves and actuators in terms of quality, transportation and on-site commissioning.
2.5 阀门供货商为阀门和执行机构的总成方,对阀门和执行机构的总体装配质量、运输、现场调试负责。
3.1 All bidding documents, materials and drawings shall be provided and organized in accordance with the Specifications, but not limit as these.
3.2 All bidding documents shall have Chinese and English versions. In the event of conflicting, Chinese version shall prevail..
3.3 The governing languages of applied standards shall be in its original languages.
3.4 All pages of the bidding documents shall have not-repeated page numbers.
[ 本帖最后由 monkeyyd 于 2008-12-1 19:42 编辑 ] |