根据sylun兄的指导,对过程做了修改,速度有了很大提高: '感谢sylun兄对金山词霸字体转换成ascii字符主要过程的提供,并多次修改至此 '本程序用于在word中把金山词霸标注音(旧版国际音标(IPA 13版))标转换成新版国际音标(IPA 14版) '需要调用函数newPtc转换音标 Sub KSPP2newKSPP1() Dim a As String Dim s As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ActiveDocument.Content.Find .ClearFormatting .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Text = "[" & ChrW(61480) & "-" & ChrW(61565) & "]{1,}" .MatchWildcards = True Do While .Execute a = .Parent.Text For i = 1 To VBA.Len(a) a = VBA.Replace(a, Mid(a, i, 1), ChrW(AscW(Mid(a, i, 1)) + 4096), , 1) Next With .Parent .Text = newPtc(a) '调用函数 '.Font.Name = "KPP Edition 2008教师节" .Collapse wdCollapseEnd End With Loop End With With ActiveDocument.Content.Find .Font.Name = "Kingsoft Phonetic Plain" .Replacement.Font.Name = "KPP Edition 2008教师节" .Format = True .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll End WithApplication.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 函数也做了精简: '该函数用于把金山词霸标注音(旧版国际音标(IPA 13版))标转换成新版国际音标(IPA 14版) '在excel中可以直接使用,在word中需要另一模块的支持才能正常转换 '使用本函数需要安装字体:“KPP Edition 2008教师节”这是金山词霸字体的修改版 '在字体中添加了必须字符一个字符 '实质上就是两种音标系统对应字符的替换 '本函数由wjhere制作,欢迎交流: wjhere@126.com,转载请注明 '因为我是业余的,请各位大侠指教,修改精简以提高速度 Public Function newPtc(oldPtc As String) As String Dim cZiFu, nZiFu As String '用于取得音标中的当前字符与下一个字符 Dim zfPos As Integer '当前字符位置 Dim a As Integer, b As Integer Do a = InStr(1, oldPtc, "C") b = InStr(1, oldPtc, "R") If a Then If Mid(oldPtc, a + 1, 1) Like "[!:i]" Then Mid(oldPtc, a, 1) = "D" Else a = 0 If b Then If Mid(oldPtc, b + 1, 1) Like "[!:i]" Then Mid(oldPtc, b, 1) = "D" Else b = 0 Loop Until a = 0 And b = 0 For i = 1 To Len(oldPtc) cZiFu = Mid(oldPtc, i, 1) If i < Len(oldPtc) Then nZiFu = Mid(oldPtc, i + 1, 1) If StrComp(nZiFu, ":", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then 'MsgBox cZiFu zfPos = InStr(1, "iu", cZiFu, vbTextCompare) If zfPos > 0 Then oldPtc = Left(oldPtc, i - 1) & Replace(oldPtc, cZiFu, Mid("IJ", zfPos, 1), i, 1, vbTextCompare) End If End If Next oldPtc = Replace(oldPtc, "ZE", "eE") oldPtc = Replace(oldPtc, "E:", "\:") newPtc = oldPtc End Function