Sub 按钮1_单击() t = Timer Application.ScreenUpdating = False '禁止屏幕刷新,可提高速度。 Application.EnableEvents = False '禁止工作表事件,专心走你的路,不与朋友打招呼。 [a:b].ClearContents For s = 2 To 101 For i = 3 To 46 Cells(s, 2) = Cells(s, i).Value If Cells(s, 2).Value = 0 Then Cells(s, 1) = Cells(s, 1) + 1 ElseIf Cells(s, 1) = "" Then Cells(s, 1).Value = 0 End If Next i Next s MsgBox "耗时:" & Timer - t Application.EnableEvents = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
Sub 按钮2_单击() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False t = Timer [a:b].ClearContents For s = 2 To 101 Cells(s, 1).Value = 0 '把这两行调整到For/Next循环外,减少对单元格操作次数。抄了近路,少走几步,可快点到达。 Cells(s, 2) = Cells(s, 46).Value For i = 3 To 46 If Cells(s, i).Value = 0 Then Cells(s, 1) = Cells(s, 1) + 1 End If Next i Next s MsgBox "耗时:" & Timer - t Application.EnableEvents = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
Sub 按钮3_单击() t = Timer [a:b].ClearContents sj = Range("a2:at101") '对单元格的操作改为对数组的操作,可提高速度。步行改摩托,快得有点不好意思了。 arr = Range("a2:b101") For s = 1 To 100 arr(s, 1) = 0 arr(s, 2) = sj(s, 46) For i = 3 To 46 If sj(s, i) = 0 Then arr(s, 1) = arr(s, 1) + 1 End If Next i Next s Range("a2:b101") = arr '将数组的值输出到工作表 MsgBox "耗时:" & Timer - t End Sub
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[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-20 21:59:59编辑过] |