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楼主: gbnew

[求助] 合并单元格后如何实现自动换行,且换行后自动调整行高




发表于 2016-2-17 12:04 | 显示全部楼层
Ernie asked if there was a way for Excel to automatically adjust the row height in cells that are merged. He points out that if a cell is set with text wrapping turned on, that Excel automatically adjusts the row height for the cell so that all the wrapped text is visible. If you subsequently merge that cell with an adjacent cell, even if the adjacent cell has text wrapping turned on, then the resulting merged cell's row height is not adjusted so that all the text is visible.
Exactly why Excel does this is unclear, but there is no intrinsic way around it—Excel just does it. At first blush you may think that you can use the AutoFit feature (Format | Rows | AutoFit) to adjust the height of the row in which the merged cell is located. Doing so, however, apparently has no affect—AutoFit seems to completely ignore merged cells in doing its magic.
One way around the problem is to use a macro to set the row height to the desired height. A good approach is to have the macro determine the column width of the merged area, unmerge the columns, set the first column to that width, and determine the row height required to AutoFit it. The macro could then reset the column width, merge the cells, and set the new row height. (If that sounds like a lot, it is. Such a macro wouldn't be that trivial to create.)
If you don't want to use a macro, you can fool Excel into setting the row height properly. You do this by using a separate column that is created for the express purpose of setting row height. The process is described in the following general steps. (These steps assume you are merging the cells in columns A and B, and that your data table only includes columns A through K.)
Merge the cells in columns A and B as desired.
In column Z (or some other column outside of your data table range, but not immediately adjacent), put a simple formula reference to column A, as in =A1.
Ensure the text formatting of column Z is exactly the same as in the merged cell, with the exception of merging. (Column Z should not be merged with anything, nor should it be marked as merged.)
Make the width of column Z slightly narrower than the combined width of columns A and B.
The effect of these steps is that Excel will set the row height based upon the contents of column Z, which just happen to match the contents of the merged cell in columns A and B. This, of course, allows all the text in the merged cell to be visible. The only thing you will need to do is make sure that you don't print the contents of column Z when you do your printing.

简单的说,Excel就是这样设计的!最简单的办法是巧妙骗过Excel,举例说明:假如你合并的是A1和B1,合并后单元格宽度为30。你可以在一个很远的地方,例如Z1,让Z1=A1,把Z1单元格的宽度调整为30或者略小于30,比如29.5,Z1的格式和A1相同,之后通过调整Z1的行高便可以间接调整合并单元格A1的行高了…… 我自己目前使用的是这个办法,我觉得还算好用。






发表于 2018-12-14 08:07 | 显示全部楼层

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