可以解决,方法是用类模块,通过判断Ctrl.Tag 或Caption来实现.在另一类模块中写入菜单生成. '类名为CCommandButtonEvent Option Explicit Private WithEvents wobjCommandBarButton As Office.CommandBarButton '用动态的方法才是正解,因为不支持OnAction 有时会有两次按钮事件出现 Private Sub wobjCommandBarButton_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, CancelDefault As Boolean) On Error GoTo err_Handler Select Case Ctrl.Tag Case "Turn Off Auto Backup-Save" Call TimerStop Case "Turn On Auto Backup-Save" Call TimerStart Case "Open Backup Folder" Call OpenBackupFolder Case "Backup Options" Call ShowOptions Case "Product Website" Call GettingStartedBackup Case Else End Select Exit Sub err_Handler: MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, C_AppName End Sub Friend Function AddFromBar(ByVal oCommanddBarPopup As CommandBarControl) As Object On Error Resume Next Set wobjCommandBarButton = oCommanddBarPopup.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) Set AddFromBar = wobjCommandBarButton End Function
菜单生成类. CMenu Option Explicit Private objOpenedButtonEvents() As CCommandButtonEvent Private CBC As CommandBarControl Sub MakeMenuBackup() Dim CB As CommandBar Dim objOpenedButtons() As Office.CommandBarButton Dim q As String Dim q1 As String Dim txt As String Dim txt1 As String Dim X, x1 As Variant Dim I As Long On Error Resume Next xlApp.Application.ScreenUpdating = False DeleteMenuBackup Set CB = xlApp.CommandBars("Menu Bar") 'this is constant Set CBC = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=False) With CBC On Error Resume Next If GetSetting(SoftName, C_AppName, "On") = True Then .Caption = "Backup" & " (On)" Else .Caption = "Backup" & " (Off)" End If q = "Turn Off Auto Backup-Save[split]Turn On Auto Backup-Save[split]Open Backup Folder[split]Backup Options[split]Product Website" txt = q Debug.Print q X = Split(txt, "[split]") q1 = "342[split]343[split]23[split]548[split]1576" '取得FaceId txt1 = q1 Debug.Print q1 x1 = Split(txt1, "[split]") 'Debug.Print UBound(X) 'Debug.Print UBound(x1) ReDim objOpenedButtonEvents(UBound(X)) ReDim objOpenedButtons(UBound(X)) If GetSetting(SoftName, C_AppName, "On") = True Then Set objOpenedButtonEvents(0) = New CCommandButtonEvent Set objOpenedButtons(0) = objOpenedButtonEvents(0).AddFromBar(CBC) objOpenedButtons(0).Tag = X(0) objOpenedButtons(0).Caption = X(0) objOpenedButtons(0).FaceId = x1(0) Else Set objOpenedButtonEvents(1) = New CCommandButtonEvent Set objOpenedButtons(1) = objOpenedButtonEvents(1).AddFromBar(CBC) objOpenedButtons(1).Tag = X(1) objOpenedButtons(1).Caption = X(1) objOpenedButtons(1).FaceId = x1(1) End If
For I = 2 To UBound(X) Set objOpenedButtonEvents(I) = New CCommandButtonEvent Set objOpenedButtons(I) = objOpenedButtonEvents(I).AddFromBar(CBC) objOpenedButtons(I).Tag = X(I) objOpenedButtons(I).Caption = X(I) objOpenedButtons(I).FaceId = x1(I) Next I End With ' Erase objOpenedButtons xlApp.Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub DeleteMenuBackup() ' Delete our menu items Dim oCtl As CommandBarControl On Error Resume Next For Each oCtl In xlApp.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls If oCtl.Caption = "Backup" & " (On)" Or oCtl.Caption = "Backup" & " (Off)" Then oCtl.Delete ' Exit For End If Next oCtl End Sub
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