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慢慢理解Slide15 3 幻灯片图像占位符 1 14
For jj = 1 To .NotesPage.Shapes.Count
Debug.Print .NotesPage.Shapes(jj).Name, , .NotesPage.Shapes(jj).Type
Debug.Print "****************"
If InStr(.NotesPage.Shapes(jj).Name, "备注占位符") > 0 Then
Debug.Print .NotesPage.Shapes(jj).TextFrame.TextRange.Text
End If
Debug.Print "****************"
Next jj
- Sub ll()
- Dim Sld As Slide, Slds As Slides
- Set Slds = Application.ActivePresentation.Slides
- For Each Sld In Slds
- With Sld
- Debug.Print .Name, .NotesPage.Shapes.Count,
- For jj = 1 To .NotesPage.Shapes.Count
- Debug.Print .NotesPage.Shapes(jj).Name, , .NotesPage.Shapes(jj).Type
- Debug.Print "****************"
- If InStr(.NotesPage.Shapes(jj).Name, "备注占位符") > 0 Then
- Debug.Print .NotesPage.Shapes(jj).TextFrame.TextRange.Text
- End If
- Debug.Print "****************"
- Next jj
- End With
- Next
- End Sub
- Sub ll1()
- Dim Sld As Slide, Slds As Slides
- Dim Shp As Shape
- Set Slds = Application.ActivePresentation.Slides
- For Each Sld In Slds
- With Sld
- For ii = .Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
- Set Shp = .Shapes(ii)
- Debug.Print Shp.Name, Shp.Type, msoPicture
- If Shp.Type = msoPicture Then
- Shp.Delete
- End If
- Next ii
- End With
- Next
- End Sub
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