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- Sub test2()
- '试题选项对齐(最多6个选项),仅针对纯文本文档
- Dim i%, j%, k%, fontsize%, colwidth!, maxlen%, tabwidth!
- Dim qs, opt, olen
- Dim Reg As Object, Matches As Object, Match As Object, aRange As Range
- Set Reg = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
- With Reg
- .Global = True
- .MultiLine = True
- .Pattern = "^\d+[\..]\s?.+?([A-F].+?)\r+(【答案】[A-F]+\r+)*(?=(^\d+\.|$))"
- Set Matches = .Execute(ActiveDocument.Content.Text)
- ReDim qs(2, Matches.Count - 1)
- For Each Match In Matches
- With Match
- qs(0, i) = .firstindex + InStr(.Value, Chr(13))
- qs(1, i) = qs(0, i) + Len(.SubMatches(0))
- qs(2, i) = Trim(.SubMatches(0))
- i = i + 1
- End With
- Next
- With ActiveDocument.Range(qs(0, 0), qs(0, 0))
- fontsize = .Font.Size
- colwidth = .PageSetup.TextColumns(1).Width
- End With
- .Pattern = "(?:^|[\s ]+)([A-F])[\..]"
- For i = i - 1 To 0 Step -1
- qs(2, i) = Replace(qs(2, i), Chr(9), " ") '预防性替换
- qs(2, i) = .Replace(qs(2, i), Chr(9) & "$1.")
- qs(2, i) = Replace(qs(2, i), Chr(13), "")
- qs(2, i) = Mid(qs(2, i), 2)
- opt = Split(qs(2, i), Chr(9))
- ReDim olen(UBound(opt))
- For j = 0 To UBound(olen)
- olen(j) = Len(opt(j))
- Next
- maxlen = 0
- For j = 0 To UBound(opt)
- If LenB(StrConv(opt(j), vbFromUnicode)) > maxlen Then maxlen = LenB(StrConv(opt(j), 128))
- Next
- Application.ScreenUpdating = False
- Set aRange = ActiveDocument.Range(qs(0, i), qs(1, i))
- With aRange
- With .ParagraphFormat '根据字符数最多的选项设置制表位
- .TabStops.ClearAll
- Select Case fontsize * (maxlen / 2 - 2)
- Case Is > (colwidth - 2 * fontsize) / 2
- qs(2, i) = Replace(qs(2, i), Chr(9), Chr(13))
- Case Is > (colwidth - 2 * fontsize) / 4 Or j = 2
- .TabStops.Add (colwidth + 2 * fontsize) / 2
- If j > 2 Then qs(2, i) = Replace(qs(2, i), Chr(9) & "C.", Chr(13) & "C.")
- If j > 4 Then qs(2, i) = Replace(qs(2, i), Chr(9) & "E.", Chr(13) & "E.")
- Case Is < (colwidth - 2 * fontsize) / 6 And j = 6
- For k = 1 To 5
- .TabStops.Add 2 * fontsize + k * (colwidth - 2 * fontsize) / 6
- Next
- Case Is < (colwidth - 2 * fontsize) / 5 And j = 5
- For k = 1 To 4
- .TabStops.Add 2 * fontsize + k * (colwidth - 2 * fontsize) / 5
- Next
- Case Is < (colwidth - 2 * fontsize) / 3 And j <> 4
- .TabStops.Add (colwidth + 4 * fontsize) / 3
- .TabStops.Add 2 * (colwidth + fontsize) / 3
- If j > 3 Then qs(2, i) = Replace(qs(2, i), Chr(9) & "D.", Chr(13) & "D.")
- Case Else
- For k = 1 To 4
- .TabStops.Add 2 * fontsize + k * (colwidth - 2 * fontsize) / 4
- Next
- End Select
- End With
- .Text = qs(2, i)
- .End = .End + 1
- k = (UBound(olen) + 1) / .ComputeStatistics(4)
- tabwidth = .ParagraphFormat.TabStops(1).Position - 2 * fontsize
- If .ComputeStatistics(1) <> .ComputeStatistics(4) And InStr(.Text, Chr(9)) <> 0 Then _
- setOptionSpacing .Duplicate, maxlen, k, tabwidth, olen '行段数不一致则调整字符缩放
- .ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent = 0 '假设无其他段落缩进格式
- .ParagraphFormat.CharacterUnitLeftIndent = 2 '选项段落统一左缩进2字符
- End With
- Next
- End With
- Application.ScreenUpdating = True
- End Sub
- Sub setOptionSpacing(myRange As Range, maxlen%, pcount%, tabwidth!, olen)
- Dim i%, j%, k%
- For i = 1 To myRange.ComputeStatistics(4)
- With myRange.Paragraphs(i).Range
- If .ComputeStatistics(1) <> .ComputeStatistics(4) Then
- Do
- k = k + 1
- If j Mod pcount = 0 Then .End = .Start + olen(j) + 1 _
- Else .SetRange .End, .End + .MoveEndUntil(vbTab & Chr(13))
- If maxlen / 2 - olen(j) < 0 Then .FitTextWidth = tabwidth - .Font.Size
- j = j + 1
- Loop Until k = pcount
- k = 0
- Else
- j = j + UBound(olen) / pcount
- End If
- End With
- Next
- End Sub