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- Sub 批量调整答案到每道题目末端()
- Dim l, j As Long
- Dim rng, rng1 As Range
- Dim newDoc As Document
- Dim isNo1 As Boolean
- Dim timustr, daanstr As String
- timustr = "试题"
- daanstr = "参考答案:^p"
- Call 查找(daanstr, 0, 1)
- If Selection.Find.Found = False Then
- MsgBox "查找不到:" & daanstr
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Call 自动查询题量
- Set newDoc = Documents.Add(ActiveDocument.FullName)
- Call 查找(daanstr, 0, 1)
- j = Selection.Range.Start
- Set rng1 = ActiveDocument.Range(j, ActiveDocument.Content.End)
- rng1.Select
- ' Call 全部替换("【分析】*【详解】", "【解答】", True)
- Call 全部替换("(^p[0-9]{1,3})([..、])", "\1.【答案】", True)
- rng1.Font.Color = wdColorBlue
- rng1.Font.Name = "幼圆"
- rng1.Font.Bold = False
- Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdMove '回到文档的起点
- Dim Index As Integer
- isNo1 = True
- timuCount = timuCount / 2 - 1
- For Index = 1 To timuCount
- If isNo1 Then
- ' Call 查找(timustr, 0, 1)
- If Selection.Find.Found = False Then
- MsgBox "查找不到 " & timustr
- Exit Sub
- End If
- isNo1 = False
- End If
- Call 识别题干和答案区域并选中(Index)
- If Selection.Find.Found = False Then
- MsgBox "查找不到第 " & Index & " 题的题干!"
- Exit For
- End If
- l = Selection.Range.End + 1
- Call 查找(daanstr, 0, 1)
- Call 识别题干和答案区域并选中(Index)
- If Selection.Find.Found = False Then
- MsgBox "查找不到第 " & Index & " 题的答案!"
- Exit For
- End If
- If 是否重复(1) = 1 Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Set rng = Selection.Range
- Selection.SetRange Start:=l, End:=l
- Selection.TypeParagraph '回车
- ActiveDocument.Range(l, l).FormattedText = rng '.FormattedText
- Selection.SetRange Start:=l, End:=l
- rng.Delete
- Next Index
- Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdMove '回到文档的起点
- Call 全部替换(daanstr, "", True)
- Call 全部替换("^p[0-9]{1,3}[..、]【答案】", "^p【答案】", 1)
- Call 全部替换("解析", "解答", False)
- MsgBox "已完成" & Index & " 道题的答案转移到每道题后!"
- End Sub
- Function 查找(文本, 通配符, 向下)
- If Len(文本) <= 1 Then
- MsgBox "警告:只查找一个字符,每次只能找到第一个!"
- End If
- Dim rng As Range
- ' Set rng = IIf(Len(Selection.Range.text) <= 1, ActiveDocument.Content, Selection.Range)
- Selection.Find.ClearFormatting
- With Selection.Find
- .text = 文本
- .Forward = 向下
- .Wrap = wdFindContinue '往复查找
- .MatchWildcards = 通配符
- End With
- Selection.Find.Execute
- Selection.Find.Parent.Select
- ' Set rng = Nothing
- End Function
复制代码- Function 自动查询题量()
- '
- ' Macro1 Macro
- ' 宏由 ZPL 录制,时间: 2022/11/19
- '
- Dim j As Long '记录第一个题号光标位置
- Dim k As Long '记录第最后一个题号光标位置
- 'Public timuCount As Integer '记录总题量(全局变量要在函数外定义)
- Dim i As Integer
- Do
- If i <= 0 Then
- Call 查找("^p[0-9]{1,3}[..、]", True, True)
- j = Selection.Range.Start + 4
- i = i + 1
- Else
- Call 查找("^p[0-9]{1,3}[..、]", True, True)
- k = Selection.Range.Start + 4
- i = i + 1
- End If
- Loop Until j = k
- timuCount = i - 1
- 自动查询题量 = timuCount
- End Function
复制代码- Function 全部替换(原文字, 替换为, 通配符)
- ' 宏由 ZPL 录制,时间: 2022/12/07
- Dim rng As Range
- Set rng = IIf(Len(Selection.Range.text) <= 1, ActiveDocument.Content, Selection.Range)
- rng.Find.ClearFormatting
- With rng.Find
- .text = 原文字
- .Forward = True
- .Wrap = wdFindStop 'Wrap = wdFindAsk(找到会弹出提示框)'Wrap = wdFindStop(完成替换会停止)
- .MatchCase = False 'True 指定要查找的文本应区分大小写。
- .MatchByte = False '搜索期间区分全角和半角字母或字符,则此属性返回 True ;否则返回 False 。 将属性值设置为 True 或 False 以启用或禁用该功能。
- .MatchWildcards = 通配符 '通配符开关
- .MatchWholeWord = False '真 要查找只整个单词,全字匹配。
- .MatchFuzzy = False '确定 Microsoft Word 在搜索过程中是否对日语文本使用非特定搜索选项
- .Replacement.text = 替换为
- End With
- rng.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
- 全部替换 = rng.Find.Found
- rng.Find.ClearFormatting
- End Function
复制代码- Function 识别题干和答案区域并选中(index1 As Integer)
- Dim k1, k2, j1, j2 As Long
- Dim timurng, daanrng As Range
- Dim b As Integer
- Call 查找("^p" & index1 & "[..、]*^p" & index1 + 1 & "[..、]", True, 1)
- 识别题干和答案区域并选中 = Selection.Find.Found
- k1 = Selection.Range.Start
- k2 = Selection.Range.End
- j1 = k1 + 1
- Selection.SetRange Start:=k2, End:=k2
- Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdMove
- Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
- j2 = Selection.Range.Start
- Selection.SetRange Start:=j1, End:=j2 '重选选中
- Set timurng = Selection.Range
- End Function