Sub 历史天气2023()
Dim xmlHttp As Object, HTML As Object, Table As Object, oRows As Object, oCells As Object, i As Long, num As Long, m As Long, n As Long
Set xmlHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
Set HTML = CreateObject("htmlfile")
num = 1
Dim QueryYear As Integer
Dim QueryMonth() As Variant
Dim arr() As Variant
Dim cnt As Integer
For i = 1 To 12
If Not IsEmpty(Range("N" & i)) Then
ReDim Preserve arr(cnt)
arr(cnt) = Range("N" & i).Value
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
Next i
QueryMonth = arr
QueryYear = 2023 '要查询的年份
For Each qm In QueryMonth
'xmlHttp.Open "GET", "http://tianqi.2345.com/wea_history/71237.htm", False
xmlHttp.Open "GET", "http://tianqi.2345.com/Pc/GetHistory?areaInfo%5BareaId%5D=71237&areaInfo%5BareaType%5D=2&date%5Byear%5D=" & QueryYear & "&date%5Bmonth%5D=" & qm, False
Do While xmlHttp.readyState <> 4
HTML.body.innerhtml = xmlHttp.responseText
Set Table = HTML.getElementsByTagName("table")(0)
With Table
Set oRows = .Rows
For m = 1 To oRows.Length - 1
num = num + 1
Set oCells = oRows(m).Cells
For n = 0 To oCells.Length - 1
Cells(num, n + 1) = Replacestr(Convert(oCells(n).innerText))
End With
Set winhttp = Nothing
Set HTML = Nothing
Set Table = Nothing
Set oRows = Nothing
Set oCells = Nothing
MsgBox "完成"
End Sub
Function Replacestr(strText As String) As String
arrreplace = Array("</td>", "</tr>", "</span>", "</table>", "\n", "}", """", Chr(10))
For Each Item In arrreplace
Replacestr = Replace(strText, Item, "")
strText = Replacestr
End Function
Function Convert(strText As String) As String
With CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
.Language = "javascript"
Convert = .Eval("('" & strText & "').replace(/&#\d+;/g,function(b){return String.fromCharCode(b.slice(2,b.length-1))});")
Debug.Print Convert
End With
End Function