'连接数据库的参数,driver 连sql server的常数不用改 其中 server为数据库所在服务器的机器名或IP地址
'uid为sql server的帐号名称, pwd为相应帐号的密码
Const connstr = "driver={SQL Server}; server=Cw;uid=sa;pwd="
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst, rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim NewBook As Workbook
Function SqlStr(data)
SqlStr = "'" & Replace(data, "'", "''") & "'"
End Function
'参数cCode:科目代码, TimeValue :时间值,如1月,2月等, YearName可选 默认为系统的年份, Account可选 帐套号 默认为 "001"
Function Slqm(cCode, TimeValue, Optional YearName As String, Optional Account As String = "001")
Dim csqlstr As String
Slqm = 0
If Trim(cCode) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(TimeValue) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(Account) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(YearName) = "" Then YearName = Format(Now(), "yyyy")
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
With conn
.ConnectionString = connstr & ";database=UFDATA" & "_" & Trim(Account) & "_" & Trim(YearName)
.Open strConn
End With
csqlstr = "SELECT SUM((CASE WHEN a.cendd_c <> '贷' THEN a.ne_s ELSE - a.ne_s END))" & _
" AS SumVal " & _
" FROM code b INNER JOIN " & _
" gl_accsum a ON b.ccode = a.ccode " & _
" WHERE a.iperiod = " & TimeValue & " AND a.ccode = " & SqlStr(cCode)
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
With rst
.ActiveConnection = conn
.Open csqlstr
End With
Slqm = rst.Fields(0).Value
Set rst = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End Function
'参数cCode:科目代码,TimeValue :时间值,如1月,2月等, YearName可选 默认为系统的年份
'TimeType时间类别 分为 年和月默认为月,Account可选 帐套号 默认为 "001"
Function Slqc(cCode, TimeValue, Optional YearName As String, Optional TimeType As String = "月", Optional Account As String = "001")
Dim csqlstr As String
Slqc = 0
If Trim(cCode) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(Account) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(YearName) = "" Then YearName = Format(Now(), "yyyy")
If Trim(TimeValue) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(TimeType) = "年" Then TimeValue = 1
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
With conn
.ConnectionString = connstr & ";database=UFDATA" & "_" & Trim(Account) & "_" & Trim(YearName)
.Open strConn
End With
csqlstr = "SELECT sum((CASE WHEN gl_accsum.cbegind_c<>'贷' THEN gl_accsum.nb_s ELSE -gl_accsum.nb_s End))" & _
" AS SumVal " & _
" FROM code INNER JOIN gl_accsum ON code.ccode = gl_accsum.ccode " & _
" WHERE gl_accsum.iperiod = " & TimeValue & " AND gl_accsum.ccode = " & SqlStr(cCode)
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
With rst
.ActiveConnection = conn
.Open csqlstr
End With
Slqc = rst.Fields(0).Value
Set rst = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End Function
'参数cCode:科目代码,TimeValue :时间值,如1月,2月等, Direction 为借 代 方向,YearName可选 默认为系统的年份,TimeType时间类别 分为 年和月默认为月
'ifcheck 是否记帐 默认为0没记帐,Account可选 帐套号 默认为 "001"
Function Slfs(cCode, TimeValue, Direction, Optional TimeType As String = "月", Optional YearName As String, Optional ifcheck As Integer = 0, Optional Account As String = "001")
Dim csqlstr As String
Slfs = 0
If Trim(cCode) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(TimeType) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(TimeValue) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(Direction) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(Account) = "" Then Exit Function
If Trim(YearName) = "" Then YearName = Format(Now(), "yyyy")
If Trim(ifcheck) = "" Then Exit Function
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
With conn
.ConnectionString = connstr & ";database=UFDATA" & "_" & Trim(Account) & "_" & Trim(YearName)
.Open strConn
End With
csqlstr = " SELECT sum((CASE when "
If Direction = "借" Then
csqlstr = csqlstr & " 1=1 "
csqlstr = csqlstr & " 1=0 "
End If
csqlstr = csqlstr & " THEN a.nd_s ELSE a.nc_s End)) as SumVal FROM code b INNER JOIN gl_accvouch a ON b.ccode = a.ccode "
If TimeType = "年" Then
csqlstr = csqlstr & " where a.iperiod>=1 and a.iperiod<=" & TimeValue
csqlstr = csqlstr & " where a.iperiod=" & TimeValue
End If
csqlstr = csqlstr & " AND a.iflag is null AND a.ccode "
If ifbend(conn, cCode) = 1 Then
csqlstr = csqlstr & "=" & SqlStr(cCode)
csqlstr = csqlstr & "like " & SqlStr(cCode & "%")
End If
If ifcheck = 1 Then
csqlstr = csqlstr & " AND a.ibook=" & ifcheck
End If
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
With rst
.ActiveConnection = conn
.Open csqlstr
End With
Slfs = rst.Fields(0).Value
Set rst = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
End Function
Function ifbend(conn, cCode)
Dim strsql As String
strsql = " select bend from code where ccode=" & SqlStr(cCode)
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
.ActiveConnection = conn
.Open strsql
End With
ifbend = rs.Fields(0).Value
Set rs = Nothing
End Function
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[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-11 15:10:35编辑过] |