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Sub zhuyedsasfasj122()
Dim strint21 As String
strint21 = Cells(1, 8)
If strint21 = "K" Then
End If
If strint21 = "ZK" Then
End If
End Sub
Sub YYYYYy()
Dim shuzhi As Double
shuzhi = 6
Do While Cells(shuzhi, 1) <> ""
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=laptop-qtnmhplf;Database=shiqiao20210920;Uid=asas;Pwd=123456"
Dim str99 As String
str99 = "shiqiaoLedgerLedgerY1" ''''shiqiao石桥28天后桩基压实度1021
Dim str98 As String
str98 = Cells(shuzhi, 1)
Sql = "select * from " & str99 & " where 里程 = '" & str98 & "'"
Set rs = conn.Execute(Sql) '4、执行SQL命令,产生记录集
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Cells(954, i + 1) = rs.Fields(i).Name
Range("A956").CopyFromRecordset rs
rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing
conn.Close: Set conn = Nothing
Cells(shuzhi, 40) = Cells(956, 5)
Cells(shuzhi, 41) = Cells(956, 6)
Cells(shuzhi, 42) = Cells(956, 2)
Cells(shuzhi, 43) = Cells(956, 10)
Cells(shuzhi, 44) = Cells(956, 11)
Cells(shuzhi, 45) = Cells(956, 12)
Cells(shuzhi, 46) = Cells(956, 13)
Cells(shuzhi, 47) = Cells(956, 14)
Cells(shuzhi, 48) = Cells(956, 15)
If Int(Cells(shuzhi, 1) / 0.1) = Cells(shuzhi, 1) / 0.1 Then
'''MsgBox "'可以整除"
''''MsgBox "'不可以整除"
Dim num99 As Double
num99 = -5000
num999 = num99
Do While num999 < Cells(shuzhi, 1)
num999 = num999 + 0.1
' Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
' Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=laptop-qtnmhplf;Database=shiqiao20210920;Uid=asas;Pwd=123456"
''' "Provider=sqloledb;Server=R9HDET7;Database=dbname;Uid=username;Pwd=password" '''laptop-qtnmhplf
'' MsgBox ("连接成功!" & vbCrLf & "数据库状态:" & conn.State & vbCrLf & "数据库版本:" & conn.Version)
' 从test数据库的YGXM表中取出所有数据
' rs.Open "select * from control point", conn
'''''''''SQL = "select distinct t1.编号,t1.姓名,t1.身份证号,t1.部门 " _
''''''''' & "from 员工 t1 inner join 员工 t2 " _
''''''''' & "on t1.姓名=t2.姓名 where t1.编号<>t2.编号 order by t1.姓名"
' Dim str99 As String
str99 = "shiqiaoLedgerLedgerY1" ''''shiqiao石桥28天后桩基压实度1021
Dim str918 As Double
str918 = Left(num999, 7)
str918 = Format(str918, "0.0")
str981 = Left(num999 - 0.1, 7)
str981 = Format(str981, "0.0")
Sql1 = "select * from " & str99 & " where 里程 = '" & str918 & "'"
Set rs1 = conn.Execute(Sql1)
Sql = "select * from " & str99 & " where 里程 = '" & str981 & "'"
Set rs = conn.Execute(Sql) '4、执行SQL命令,产生记录集
'''Range("A451").CopyFromRecordset rs
' Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Cells(954, i + 1) = rs.Fields(i).Name
Range("A955").CopyFromRecordset rs
Range("A956").CopyFromRecordset rs1
'''Range("A955").CopyFromRecordset rs1
rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing
rs1.Close: Set rs1 = Nothing
conn.Close: Set conn = Nothing
t = 955
num1 = Cells(shuzhi, 1) - Cells(t, 1) '''' 桩号差值
num2 = Cells(t + 1, 1) - Cells(t, 1) '''' 整桩号之间比值
num3 = num1 / num2 ''' 得到比值
num4 = Cells(t + 1, 5) - Cells(t, 5) '''''x
num5 = Cells(t + 1, 6) - Cells(t, 6) '''''y
num6 = Cells(t + 1, 2) - Cells(t, 2) '''''z
num7 = Cells(t + 1, 11) - Cells(t, 11) '''''
num8 = Cells(t + 1, 10) - Cells(t, 10) '''''
''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''
'''Set Sheets("AAA") = sheetall
Set sheetall = Sheets("AAA")
sheetall.Cells(shuzhi, 40) = Cells(955, 5) + num3 * num4 ''''x
sheetall.Cells(shuzhi, 41) = Cells(955, 6) + num3 * num5 ''''y
sheetall.Cells(shuzhi, 42) = Cells(955, 2) + num3 * num6 ''''h
sheetall.Cells(shuzhi, 43) = Cells(955, 10) + num3 * num8 '''' 角度
sheetall.Cells(shuzhi, 44) = Cells(955, 11) + num3 * num7 '''' 转换角度
sheetall.Cells(shuzhi, 45) = Cells(955, 12) '''' 和路面转换角度
sheetall.Cells(shuzhi, 46) = Cells(955, 13) '''' 和路面角度
sheetall.Cells(shuzhi, 47) = Cells(955, 14) ''''横坡左
sheetall.Cells(shuzhi, 48) = Cells(955, 15) ''''横坡右
End If
shuzhi = shuzhi + 1
Call gzhuanghaojisuanuhhoo
End Sub
Sub gzhuanghaojisuanuhhoo()
Dim nummmop As Double
nummmop = 6
Do While Cells(nummmop, 40) <> ""
For oooo = 40 To 48 Step 1
Cells(nummmop, oooo) = CDbl(Cells(nummmop, oooo))
Next oooo
nummmop = nummmop + 1
Dim numb1 As Integer
numb1 = 6
Do While Cells(numb1, 1) <> ""
If Cells(numb1, 2) <> "" Then '''''''左
numb2 = Cells(numb1, 2)
Cells(numb1, 4) = Cells(numb1, 40) + numb2 * Cos(Cells(numb1, 44) - Cells(numb1, 45))
Cells(numb1, 5) = Cells(numb1, 41) + numb2 * Sin(Cells(numb1, 44) - Cells(numb1, 45))
Cells(numb1, 6) = Cells(numb1, 42) - numb2 * (Cells(numb1, 47) / 100)
numb3 = Cells(numb1, 3) '''''''右
Cells(numb1, 4) = Cells(numb1, 40) + numb3 * Cos(Cells(numb1, 44) + Cells(numb1, 45))
Cells(numb1, 5) = Cells(numb1, 41) + numb3 * Sin(Cells(numb1, 44) + Cells(numb1, 45))
Cells(numb1, 6) = Cells(numb1, 42) - numb3 * (Cells(numb1, 48) / 100)
End If
numb1 = numb1 + 1
End Sub