Sub 排列()
Sheet1.Range("A2:H" & Sheet1.[a60000].End(xlUp).Row).Select
With Sheet1.Sort
With .SortFields
.Add Key:=Range("H2:H" & Sheet1.[a60000].End(xlUp).Row), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, CustomOrder:=""
End With
.Header = xlNo
.Orientation = xlSortColumns
.MatchCase = False
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
.SetRange Rng:=Selection
End With '辅助列乱序
arr = Sheet1.Range("a1").CurrentRegion
With Sheet3
lie = 1
zu = 1
hang = 2
For 项目列 = 5 To 7
If .Cells(.[b60000].End(xlUp).Row, "B") = "" Then
.Cells(.[b60000].End(xlUp).Row, "A") = arr(2, 4)
.Cells(.[b60000].End(xlUp).Row, "B") = arr(1, 项目列)
.Cells(.[b60000].End(xlUp).Row + 2, "A") = arr(2, 4)
.Cells(.[b60000].End(xlUp).Row + 2, "B") = arr(1, 项目列)
hang = hang + 2
zu = 1
lie = 1
End If
For a = 2 To UBound(arr)
If arr(a, 项目列) <> "" Then
lie = lie + 1
If lie = 8 Then
lie = 2
hang = hang + 3
zu = zu + 1
End If
.Cells(hang, 1) = zu & "组"
.Cells(hang, lie) = lie - 1 & "道"
.Cells(hang + 1, lie) = arr(a, 3)
.Cells(hang + 2, lie) = arr(a, 项目列)
End If
hang = .[b60000].End(xlUp).Row
For 反查 = hang To 1 Step -3
If Cells(反查 - 2, "E") <> "" Then
Exit For
For 反查1 = 5 To 2 Step -1
If Cells(反查 - 2, 反查1) <> "" Then
Exit For
Range(Cells(反查 - 5, 反查1 + 2), Cells(反查 - 3, 反查1 + 2)).Copy
Cells(反查 - 2, 反查1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Range(Cells(反查 - 5, 反查1 + 2), Cells(反查 - 3, 反查1 + 2)).ClearContents
End If
Next 反查1
End If
End With
End Sub '增加了每组必须大于3人的需求,仅供参考,自己修修改改吧.