楼主 |
发表于 2020-5-28 10:54
- Sub SaveAsFileByPage()
- '分页保存,适用于WORD97及其以上版本
- Dim objShell As Object, objFolder As Object, strNameLenth As Integer
- Dim mySelection As Selection, myFolder As String, myArray() As String
- Dim ThisDoc As Document, myDoc As Document, strName As String, N As Integer
- Dim myRange As Range, PageString As String, pgOrientation As WdOrientation
- Dim sinLeft As Single, sinRight As Single, sinTop As Single, sinBottom As Single
- Dim ErrChar() As Variant, oChar As Variant, sinStart As Single, sinEnd As Single
- Const myMsgTitle As String = "ExcelHome_ShouRou"
- Dim vbYN As VbMsgBoxResult
- sinStart = Timer
- On Error GoTo ErrHandle '设置错误处理
- '创建一个Shell.Application对象
- Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
- '取得文件夹浏览器
- Set objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "请选择一个文件夹", 0, 0)
- If objFolder Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
- myFolder = objFolder.Self.Path & ""
- Set objFolder = Nothing: Set objShell = Nothing
- Set ThisDoc = ActiveDocument '定义一个Document对象,以利用本程序作为加载宏
- Set mySelection = ThisDoc.ActiveWindow.Selection
- '文件自动命名时必须规避的字符
- ErrChar = Array("", "/", ":", "*", "?", """", "<", ">", "|")
- '一些特列字符
- For N = 0 To 31
- ReDim Preserve ErrChar(UBound(ErrChar) + 1)
- ErrChar(UBound(ErrChar)) = Chr(N)
- Next
- strNameLenth = Val(VBA.InputBox(prompt:="请输入您需要设置的文件名长度,0或者取消将自动命名!", Title:=myMsgTitle, Default:=10))
- If strNameLenth > 255 Then strNameLenth = 0
- vbYN = MsgBox("是否需要处理页尾的分隔符(分页符/分节符)?它可能会影响文档结构.", vbYesNo + vbInformation + vbDefaultButton2, myMsgTitle)
- Application.ScreenUpdating = False '关闭屏幕更新
- '在文档的每页中循环
- For N = 1 To mySelection.Information(wdNumberOfPagesInDocument)
- mySelection.GoTo What:=wdGoToPage, Which:=wdGoToNext, Name:=N
- Set myRange = ThisDoc.Bookmarks("\PAGE").Range
- If vbYN = vbYes And VBA.Asc(myRange.Characters.Last.Text) = 12 Then _
- myRange.SetRange myRange.Start, myRange.End - 1
- '取得一个以段落标记为分隔符的一维数组
- myArray = VBA.Split(myRange.Text, Chr(13))
- '将所有文本合并为一个字符串
- PageString = VBA.Join(myArray, "")
- '取得文档中每节的页面设置
- With myRange.Sections(1).PageSetup
- sinLeft = .LeftMargin '左页边距
- sinRight = .RightMargin '右页边距
- sinTop = .TopMargin '上边距
- sinBottom = .BottomMargin '下边距
- pgOrientation = .Orientation '纸张方向
- End With
- For Each oChar In ErrChar '进行一系列替换,即删除无效字符
- PageString = VBA.Replace(PageString, oChar, "")
- Next
- If strNameLenth = 0 Then
- strName = ThisDoc.Name
- strName = VBA.Replace(LCase(strName), ".doc", "")
- strName = strName & "_" & N
- Else
- strName = VBA.Left(PageString, strNameLenth) '取得文件名
- End If
- strName = strName & ".doc"
- myRange.Copy '复制
- Set myDoc = Documents.Add(Visible:=False) '新建一个隐藏的空白文档
- With myDoc
- .Content.Paste '粘贴
- .Content.Paragraphs.Last.Range.Delete '删除最后一个段落标记
- With .PageSetup '进行页面设置
- .Orientation = pgOrientation
- .LeftMargin = sinLeft
- .RightMargin = sinRight
- .TopMargin = sinTop
- .BottomMargin = sinBottom
- End With
- '如果有相同的文档,则自动命名
- If VBA.Dir(myFolder & strName, vbDirectory) <> "" Then strName = "Page_" & N & ".doc"
- .SaveAs myFolder & strName '另存为
- .Close '关闭文档
- End With
- Next
- ThisDoc.Characters(1).Copy '变相清空剪贴板
- Application.ScreenUpdating = True '恢复屏幕更新
- sinEnd = Timer '取得代码运行结束的时间
- If MsgBox("分页保存结束,用时:" & sinEnd - sinStart & _
- "秒,是否打开指定文件夹查看分页保存后的文档情况?", vbYesNo, myMsgTitle) = vbYes Then _
- ThisDoc.FollowHyperlink myFolder
- Exit Sub
- ErrHandle:
- MsgBox "错误号:" & Err.Number & vbLf & "出错原因:" & Err.Description, myMsgTitle
- Err.Clear
- Application.ScreenUpdating = True '恢复屏幕更新
- End Sub
复制代码 找到之前大神写的代码,可以运行但是达不到我的要求,请老师帮忙修改一下。