Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal T As Range)
Dim KeHu As String, hu As String, Bh As String, sh As Worksheet
Dim KS As Date, JS As Date, RQ As Date, d As Object, ar, s$
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("总表")
With T
If .Address = "$B$2" Or .Address = "$F$2" Or .Address = "$F$3" Then
KeHu = Me.Range("B2").Value
KS = Me.Range("F2").Value
JS = Me.Range("F3").Value
If sh.AutoFilterMode Then sh.AutoFilterMode = False
r = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
If r <= 3 Then Exit Sub
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
ar = sh.Range("a2:AZ" & r)
For i = 2 To UBound(ar)
hu = ar(i, 52)
RQ = ar(i, 1)
Bh = ar(i, 1)
If hu = KeHu Then
If RQ >= KS And RQ <= JS Then
If Bh <> "" Then
s = Bh & "☆" & ar(i, 2) & ar(i, 3) & ar(i, 4) & ar(i, 8) & ar(i, 25)
If d.exists(s) = False Then
d(s) = Array(ar(i, 1), ar(i, 2), ar(i, 3), ar(i, 4), ar(i, 5), ar(i, 8), ar(i, 25), ar(i, 27), ar(i, 28), ar(i, 29), ar(i, 30), ar(i, 31), ar(i, 32), ar(i, 33), ar(i, 34), ar(i, 35), ar(i, 49), ar(i, 50), ar(i, 45)) '日期,摘要,车号,货号,车数,品名规格,交货点,吨数,价格价,运价格款,业务价,业务款,税点,税款,应收结算价,应收结算金额,汇款,退款,折扣金额
br = d(s)
br(4) = br(4) + ar(i, 5)
br(7) = br(7) + ar(i, 27)
br(9) = br(9) + ar(i, 29)
br(11) = br(11) + ar(i, 31)
br(13) = br(13) + ar(i, 33)
br(15) = br(15) + ar(i, 35)
br(16) = br(16) + ar(i, 49)
d(s) = br
End If
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
End If
End With
If d.Count Then
With Me
.Range("A7:S10000") = ""
.Range("A7").Resize(d.Count, 19) = Application.Rept(d.items, 1)
End With
End If
End Sub