本帖最后由 413191246se 于 2019-8-17 19:56 编辑
* 不好意思! "楷体"在代码中是用 FontKT 表示的,但发布时没有带上函数,已经更正!请重新下载!
* 通过 Selection 对象查找“第X章”等特征字符,设置标题 1/2/3 三种级别(也适用于“第一条”/“第一部分”)。
* 本宏并非速度最快,拟用 Range 区域查找、ForEachNext 循环遍历段落法重新 VS,限于时间,稍后再做。
* 反复测试,确信没有问题,功能齐备,请各位朋友们试用(对有需要多级标题编号的朋友们是个福音!)。- Sub 第一章()
- '更新/2019-8-17/定稿/Selection
- Dim a$, b$, c$, d$, e$, f$, g$, h$, m&, i$, j$, k&, n&, s$, x&
- a = MsgBox("<是>:第一章 <否>:第一条 <取消>:自定义 ", 3 + 48, "分类选择")
- If a = vbYes Then
- j = "章"
- ElseIf a = vbNo Then
- j = "条"
- Else
- j = InputBox("", "请输入量词(节/课/题/部分/阶段/自然段)", "部分")
- If j = "" Then Exit Sub
- End If
- If MsgBox("<是>:第一" & j & " <否>:第 1 " & j & " ", 4 + 48, "数词选择") = vbYes Then
- n = 2
- e = "一"
- Else
- n = 1
- e = "1"
- f = " "
- End If
- If j = "条" Then
- g = MsgBox("<是>:正文加粗 <否>:标题级别 ", 4 + 48, "样式选择")
- If g = vbYes Then
- h = MsgBox("<是>:黑体加粗 <否>:楷体加粗 <取消>:正文加粗 ", 3 + 48, "格式选择")
- If h = vbYes Then
- m = 1
- c = "黑体加粗"
- ElseIf h = vbNo Then
- m = 2
- c = "楷体加粗"
- Else
- m = 3
- c = "正文加粗"
- End If
- GoTo sk
- End If
- End If
- If m = 0 Then
- b = MsgBox("<是>:标题 1 <否>:标题 2 <取消>:标题 3 ", 3 + 48, "级别选择")
- If b = vbYes Then
- s = 1
- c = "标题 1"
- ElseIf b = vbNo Then
- s = 2
- c = "标题 2"
- Else
- s = 3
- c = "标题 3"
- End If
- If MsgBox("<是>:左对齐 <否>:居中 ", 4 + 48, "对齐选择") = vbYes Then
- k = 0
- d = "左对齐"
- Else
- k = 1
- d = "居中"
- End If
- End If
- sk:
- If MsgBox("请确认最终选择结果!是否继续? ", 4 + 16, "第" & f & e & f & j & " / " & c & " / " & d) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
- i = "^13第[一二三四五六七八九十百零〇○OoOo0-90-9]@" & j
- '''
- With Selection
- .HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
- With .Find
- .ClearFormatting
- .Text = i
- .Replacement.Text = ""
- .Forward = True
- .MatchWildcards = True
- Do While .Execute
- With .Parent
- .MoveStart
- With .Paragraphs(1).Range
- With .Find
- .Execute "^w", , , , , , , , , "", 2
- .Execute " ", , , , , , , , , "", 2
- End With
- If .Text Like "*[。:;,、!?…—.:;,!?]?" Then .Characters.Last.Previous.Delete
- If m = 0 Then
- If s = 1 Then
- .Style = wdStyleHeading1
- ElseIf s = 2 Then
- .Style = wdStyleHeading2
- .ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = 18
- Else
- .Style = wdStyleHeading3
- .ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = 18
- End If
- .Font.Color = wdColorRed
- With .ParagraphFormat
- .SpaceAfter = 24
- .KeepWithNext = False
- .KeepTogether = False
- End With
- If k = 1 Then .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
- End If
- End With
- .InsertAfter Text:=" "
- If .Next.Next.Next.Text = vbCr Then .Next.InsertAfter Text:=" "
- .MoveEnd 1, -1
- If m <> 0 Then
- If m = 1 Then
- .Font.NameFarEast = "黑体"
- ElseIf m = 2 Then
- .Font.NameFarEast = FontKT
- End If
- With .Font
- .Bold = True
- .Color = wdColorPink
- End With
- End If
- .MoveEnd 1, -Len(j)
- 'AutoNum
- x = x + 1
- If n = 2 Then
- .Delete
- .Fields.Add Range:=.Range, Text:="= " & x & " \* CHINESENUM3"
- .HomeKey 5
- .Fields.Unlink
- .InsertBefore Text:="第"
- ElseIf n = 1 Then
- .MoveStart
- .Text = x
- End If
- .Start = .End
- End With
- Loop
- End With
- .HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
- End With
- End Sub
- Function FontKT() As String
- If System.Version = 5.1 Then FontKT = "楷体_GB2312" Else FontKT = "楷体"
- End Function