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Sub 按钮1_单击()
Dim oCnn As Object
Dim sSQL As String, i, j
Set oCnn = CreateObject("adodb.connection")
oCnn.Open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;extended properties='excel 8.0;hdr=no;imex=1';data source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName
For i = 1 To 12
sSQL = "(select f1,(year(f9) & month(f9)) as f2,sum(iif(val(f15)=0,f5,f16)) as f3,sum(f15) as f4 from [出货清单$d3:s" & Sheets("出货清单").[d65536].End(xlUp).Row & "] where year(f9)=" & Sheets("销售利润情况统计").[k1] & " and month(f9)=" & i & " group by f1,(year(f9) & month(f9)))"
sSQL = "select b.f3,b.f4 from [销售利润情况统计$b5:b" & Sheets("销售利润情况统计").[b65536].End(xlUp).Row & "] a left join " & sSQL & " b on (a.f1=b.f1 and a.f1<>'')"
Sheets("销售利润情况统计").Cells(5, i + 3 + j).CopyFromRecordset oCnn.Execute(sSQL)
j = j + 4
Set oCnn = Nothing
End Sub