本帖最后由 duquancai 于 2018-9-9 17:12 编辑
Sub main()
Dim res As Variant, mDOC As Document, myDirectory$
Set mDOC = ThisDocument: myDirectory = "分割后"
If Dir(mDOC.Path & "\" & myDirectory, vbDirectory) <> "" Then
If Dir(mDOC.Path & "\" & myDirectory & "\*.*") <> "" Then Kill mDOC.Path & "\" & myDirectory & "\*.*"
MkDir mDOC.Path & "\" & myDirectory & "\"
End If
res = getRange(mDOC)
If Not IsArray(res) Then Exit Sub
Dim myPath$, i&, doc As Document, myFile$
myPath = mDOC.Path & "\" & myDirectory & "\"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 1 To UBound(res)
With mDOC.Range(res(i - 1), res(i))
With .Duplicate
.End = .Start: .MoveUntil vbCr: .MoveWhile vbCr & Chr(32): .MoveEndUntil vbCr
myFile = getName(.Text)
End With
If Len(myFile) Then
If Dir(myPath & myFile & ".doc") = "" Then
Set doc = Documents.Add(mDOC.FullName)
doc.Content.FormattedText = .FormattedText
With doc.Content
.Start = .End: .MoveStartWhile vbCr & Chr(32), wdBackward: .Text = Empty
End With
doc.SaveAs myPath & myFile & ".doc", wdFormatDocument
End If
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function getRange(ByVal doc As Document) As Variant
Dim ar(), n&
With doc.Content.Find
Do While .Execute("国旗下讲话稿")
n = n + 1: ReDim Preserve ar(n)
ar(n - 1) = .Parent.Start
End With
If n > 0 Then
ar(n) = doc.Range.End - 1
getRange = ar
End If
End Function
Function getName(ByVal aStr As String) As String
Dim ErrArray() As Variant, oArray As Variant
ErrArray = Array("\", "/", "*", ":", "?", "<", ">", "|", """", Chr$(7), Chr$(8), Chr$(9), Chr$(10), Chr$(11), Chr$(13))
For Each oArray In ErrArray
aStr = Replace(aStr, oArray, "")
getName = LTrim(aStr)
End Function