[广告] Excel易用宝 - 提升Excel的操作效率 · Excel / WPS表格插件 ★ 免费下载 ★ ★ 使用帮助★
谢谢 杜先生!果真是这样!——但为什么我用“<”号代表是顶格第一个字符,怎么会不对呢?
- Sub Title2_you()
- With Selection
- .HomeKey unit:=wdStory
- .Find.ClearFormatting
- Do While .Find.Execute("^13[一二三四五六七八九十百零千]@、*^13", , , 1, , , 1)
- .MoveStart unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
- If .Information(wdWithInTable) = False Then
- If Selection Like "*[!。:;,、!?…-]?" Then
- With .Font
- .Name = "黑体"
- .Name = "Times New Roman"
- .Size = 16
- .Bold = True
- End With
- End If
- End If
- .EndKey unit:=wdLine
- Loop
- End With
- End Sub
- Sub Title3_you()
- With Selection
- .HomeKey unit:=wdStory
- .Find.ClearFormatting
- Do While .Find.Execute("^13([一二三四五六七八九十百零千]@)*^13", , , 1, , , 1)
- .MoveStart unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
- If .Information(wdWithInTable) = False Then
- If Selection Like "*[!。:;,、!?…-]?" Then
- With .Font
- .Name = "楷体_GB2312"
- .Name = "Times New Roman"
- .Size = 16
- .Bold = True
- End With
- End If
- End If
- .EndKey unit:=wdLine
- Loop
- End With
- End Sub
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