本帖最后由 lss001 于 2017-7-13 12:33 编辑
Sub VBAzdcjct() 'VBA自动创建窗体及控件
Dim Usm As Object'声明窗体
Set Usm = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_MSForm)t '创建窗体
On Error Resume Next '忽略错误代码
With Usm
.Properties("Caption") = "自动创建窗体" '窗体命名
.Properties("Height") = 350 '窗体高度
.Properties("Width") = 400 '窗体宽度
With .Designer
For j = 1 To 2 '创建标签对象,可循环创建
Set Lal = .Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
With Lal '设置Label标签属性
.Top = 12 + 18 * (j - 1) '标签与窗体上边框距离
.Left = 18 '标签与窗体左边框距离
.Height = 12 '标签高度
.Width = 110 '标签宽度
.Caption = j '标签命名
.Font.Size = 11 '字体大小
.ForeColor = 0 '标签前景(字体)颜色
.BackColor = 14136213 '标签背景颜色
End With
Set Lix = .Controls.Add("Forms.ListBox.1")
End With
With .CodeModule
.DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines
.InsertLines 1, "Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()"
.InsertLines 2, "Dim arr()"
.InsertLines 3, "arr = Range(""A2:G"" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)"
.InsertLines 4, " With ListBox1"
.InsertLines 5, " .Top = 50"
.InsertLines 6, " .Left = 50"
.InsertLines 7, " .Height = 250"
.InsertLines 8, " .Width = 300"
.InsertLines 9, " .ColumnCount = 7"
.InsertLines 10, " .ColumnWidths = ""35,45,45,45,45,40,50"""
.InsertLines 11, " .BoundColumn = 1"
.InsertLines 12, " .ColumnHeads = True"
.InsertLines 13, " .TextAlign = 1"
.InsertLines 14, " .List = arr"
.InsertLines 15, " End With"
.InsertLines 16, "End Sub"
.InsertLines 17, "Private Sub ListBox1_Click()"
.InsertLines 18, " Dim r As Integer"
.InsertLines 19, " Dim i As Integer"
.InsertLines 20, " With Sheet1"
.InsertLines 21, " r = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1"
.InsertLines 22, " For i = 1 To ListBox1.ColumnCount"
.InsertLines 23, " .Cells(r, i) = ListBox1.Column(i - 1)"
.InsertLines 24, " Next"
.InsertLines 25, " End With"
.InsertLines 26, "End Sub"
End With
End With
On Error GoTo 0 '关闭错误处理
VBA.UserForms.Add(Usm.Name).Show '加载并显示该窗体,注意与平时加载不同ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove Usm '窗体运行完后自动删除
End Sub