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[求助] Access2010无法打开应用程序较早版本创建的数据库




发表于 2017-2-3 15:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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本帖最后由 乐梵 于 2017-2-3 15:39 编辑





发表于 2017-9-17 13:36 | 显示全部楼层
[广告] VBA代码宝 - VBA编程加强工具 · VBA代码随查随用  · 内置多项VBA编程加强工具       ★ 免费下载 ★      ★使用手册

I had the same problem and removed the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Access\System.mdw file.

This resolved my problem.

Yes, it turns out the MDW was the problem.  We have been using  Access for a long time with the built-in user accounts feature.  The security info is stored in an MDW file.  This file was in an old version that unfortunately Access 2013 cannot read.  Here are the steps to revert back to the default MDW that comes with Access:

1.  Press Ctrl-G as soon as Access starts which will bring you to the Visual Basic editor.

2.  Type --> docmd.RunCommand acCmdWorkgroupAdministrator

3.  Then specify the default MDW which is located at:  C:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Access\System.mdw

Next I upgraded the MDW file.  To do this you will need an older version of Access.  I used Access 2003.  Just open a copy of the MDW file from an account with admin security and select upgrade.  This will create a copy in the new version which 2013 will support



发表于 2017-9-17 13:37 | 显示全部楼层
Yes, it turns out the MDW was the problem.  We have been using  Access for a long time with the built-in user accounts feature.  The security info is stored in an MDW file.  This file was in an old version that unfortunately Access 2013 cannot read.  Here are the steps to revert back to the default MDW that comes with Access:

1.  Press Ctrl-G as soon as Access starts which will bring you to the Visual Basic editor.

2.  Type --> docmd.RunCommand acCmdWorkgroupAdministrator

3.  Then specify the default MDW which is located at:  C:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Access\System.mdw

Next I upgraded the MDW file.  To do this you will need an older version of Access.  I used Access 2003.  Just open a copy of the MDW file from an account with admin security and select upgrade.  This will create a copy in the new version which 2013 will support
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