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怎么才调整图片大小呢 我现在下面的代码 只能改变一次,第二次就会报“服务器不存在或者不可用”
I = 2
Dim rst As Recordset '声明设定参数 rs 为 Recordset类型的数据
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset '初始化参数为一个新的ADODB型Recordset
With objTable
Set rst = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute("select 供应商,产品型号,产品规格,数量,产品ID from 销售记录详情 where 订单ID ='12345'")
Do While Not rst.EOF
.Cell(I, 1).Range = Nz(rst("供应商"), "")
.Cell(I, 2).Range = Nz(rst("产品型号"), "")
.Cell(I, 3).Range = Nz(rst("产品规格"), "")
.Cell(I, 4).Range = Nz(rst("数量"), "")
.Cell(I, 5).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture (CurrentProject.Path & "\图片\" & hqtp(rst("产品ID")))
' ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(I).Height = 30 '设置图片高度为 40px
' ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(I).Width = 40 '设置图片宽度 30px
' ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(I).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
I = I + 1
End With
Set rst = Nothing
End If