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* 以下不太完美的《自动排版》代码仅供楼主参考:(提请特别注意《标题2345》自动设置宏,即Title2345)
- Sub 公文()
- Dim doc As Document, t As Table, j As Long, k As Long
- Set doc = ActiveDocument
- ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPrintView
- ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Zoom.PageFit = wdPageFitBestFit
- With doc
- With .Content.Find
- .Execute "^13", , , 0, , , , , , "^p", 2
- .Execute "^11", , , 0, , , , , , "^p", 2
- .Parent.ListFormat.ConvertNumbersToText
- End With
- If .Tables.Count = 0 Then
- .Select
- 正文样式
- Else
- For Each t In .Tables
- With t.Range
- .Rows.WrapAroundText = False
- .Rows.Alignment = wdAlignRowCenter
- .Font.Name = "仿宋_GB2312"
- .Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
- .Font.Color = wdColorDarkRed
- End With
- Next
- If .Paragraphs(1).Range.Information(wdWithInTable) = False Then
- .Tables(1).Range.Previous.Select
- Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
- Selection.MoveEnd unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
- 正文样式
- End If
- k = .Tables.Count
- For j = 1 To k
- If j = k Then Exit For
- .Range(Start:=.Tables(j).Range.End, End:=.Tables(j + 1).Range.Start).Select
- 正文样式
- Next j
- .Tables(k).Range.Next.Select
- Selection.EndKey unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
- 正文样式
- End If
- End With
- Title2345
- Auto1
- Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory
- End Sub
- Sub 正文样式()
- Dim i As Paragraph, r As Range
- With Selection
- .ClearFormatting
- CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=122).Execute
- CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=123).Execute
- With .Font
- .Name = "仿宋_GB2312"
- .Name = "Times New Roman"
- .Size = 16
- .Color = wdColorBlue
- .Kerning = 0
- .DisableCharacterSpaceGrid = True
- End With
- With .ParagraphFormat
- .LineSpacing = LinesToPoints(1.25)
- .CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 2
- .AutoAdjustRightIndent = False
- .DisableLineHeightGrid = True
- End With
- Set r = .Range
- For Each i In r.Paragraphs
- If Len(i.Range) = 1 And Asc(i.Range) = 13 Then i.Range.Delete
- Next
- End With
- End Sub
- Sub Auto1()
- With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range
- .InsertParagraphAfter
- .InsertParagraphBefore
- .Style = wdStyleHeading1
- With .ParagraphFormat
- .SpaceBeforeAuto = False
- .SpaceAfterAuto = False
- .SpaceBefore = 0
- .SpaceAfter = 0
- .LineSpacing = LinesToPoints(1.15)
- .Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
- .AutoAdjustRightIndent = False
- .DisableLineHeightGrid = True
- End With
- .Paragraphs(1).Range.Font.Size = 21
- .Paragraphs(3).Range.Font.Size = 26
- End With
- End Sub
- Sub Title2345()
- Dim mt, reg As Object, n&, m&, L&, ostr$, sr$, r1$, r2$, r3$, r4$
- ostr = Replace(ActiveDocument.Content, Chr(7), "")
- sr = "一二三四五六七八九十百零千〇"
- r1 = "^[" & sr & "]+、"
- r2 = "^[((]\s*[" & sr & "]+\s*[))]"
- r3 = "^\d+[、..]"
- r4 = "^[((]\s*\d+\s*[))]"
- Set reg = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
- With reg
- .Global = True
- .MultiLine = True
- .Pattern = "" & r2 & "|" & r1 & "|" & r4 & "|" & r3 & ""
- For Each mt In .Execute(ostr)
- m = mt.FirstIndex
- n = mt.Length
- With ActiveDocument.Range(m, m + n)
- If Not .Information(wdWithInTable) Then
- .Expand 4
- L = Len(.Text)
- .Collapse
- If .MoveWhile(sr, L) > 0 Then
- .Expand 4
- .Style = "标题 2"
- .Font.ColorIndex = 6
- ElseIf .MoveWhile("((", L) > 0 Then
- If .MoveWhile(sr, L) > 0 Then
- .Expand 4
- .Style = "标题 3"
- With .Font
- .Name = "楷体_GB2312"
- .Name = "Times New Roman"
- .ColorIndex = 5
- End With
- Else
- .Expand 4
- .Style = "标题 5"
- With .Font
- .Name = "仿宋_GB2312"
- .Name = "Times New Roman"
- .ColorIndex = 12
- End With
- End If
- Else
- .Expand 4
- .Style = "标题 4"
- With .Font
- .Name = "仿宋_GB2312"
- .Name = "Times New Roman"
- .ColorIndex = 11
- End With
- End If
- If .Sentences.Count = 1 Then
- ' If v Like "*[。:;,、!?…—.:;,!?]?" Then .Characters.Last.Previous.Delete
- Else
- With .Font
- .Name = "仿宋_GB2312"
- .Name = "Times New Roman"
- .Bold = False
- .Color = wdColorBlue
- End With
- With .Sentences(1).Font
- .Bold = True
- .Color = wdColorBrown
- End With
- End If
- With .Font
- .Size = 16
- .Kerning = 0
- .DisableCharacterSpaceGrid = True
- End With
- With .ParagraphFormat
- .SpaceBeforeAuto = False
- .SpaceAfterAuto = False
- .SpaceBefore = 0
- .SpaceAfter = 0
- .LineSpacing = LinesToPoints(1.25)
- .CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent = 2
- .AutoAdjustRightIndent = False
- .DisableLineHeightGrid = True
- .KeepWithNext = False
- .KeepTogether = False
- End With
- End If
- End With
- Next
- End With
- End Sub
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