- Sub PrintInvoice()
- Dim vFile As Variant, sPath As String, sPDF As String, nI As Integer
- Dim acroApp As Acrobat.acroApp
- Dim acroAVDoc As Acrobat.acroAVDoc
- Dim acroPDDoc As Acrobat.acroPDDoc
- Dim oJSO As Object
- Application.ScreenUpdating = False
- Application.DisplayAlerts = False
- vFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("PDF 文件,*.pdf")
- If vFile = False Then Exit Sub
- sPath = vFile
- vFile = Split(sPath, "")
- sPath = Left(sPath, Len(sPath) - Len(vFile(UBound(vFile))))
- sPDF = Dir(sPath & "*.pdf")
- ReDim vFile(1 To 1)
- Do While sPDF <> ""
- nI = nI + 1
- ReDim Preserve vFile(1 To nI)
- vFile(nI) = sPDF
- sPDF = Dir
- Loop
- If nI = 0 Then Exit Sub
- Set acroApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
- Set acroAVDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")
- For nI = 1 To UBound(vFile)
- If acroAVDoc.Open(sPath & vFile(nI), "文档转换") Then
- Set acroPDDoc = acroAVDoc.GetPDDoc()
- Set oJSO = acroPDDoc.GetJSObject
- oJSO.SaveAs sPath & "发票.jpg", "com.adobe.acrobat.jpeg"
- acroApp.CloseAllDocs
- PrintPic sPath & "发票.jpg"
- End If
- Next
- acroApp.Exit
- Set oJSO = Nothing
- Set acroPDDoc = Nothing
- Set acroAVDoc = Nothing
- Set acroApp = Nothing
- If Dir(sPath & "发票.jpg") <> "" Then Kill sPath & "发票.jpg"
- Application.DisplayAlerts = True
- Application.ScreenUpdating = True
- MsgBox "打印结束!"
- End Sub
- Private Sub PrintPic(ByVal sPicFile As String)
- Dim oPicture As Object, nTop As Double, nLeft As Double
- With ActiveSheet
- nTop = .[A1].Top
- nLeft = .[A1].Left
- For Each oPicture In .Shapes
- If oPicture.Name <> "CommandButton1" Then oPicture.Delete
- Next oPicture
- Set oPicture = .Pictures.Insert(sPicFile)
- With oPicture
- .Name = "Invoice_IMG"
- .Top = nTop
- .Left = nLeft
- End With
- .PrintOut
- oPicture.Delete
- End With
- End Sub