Private Sub buttonGroup_Click() 'ÈÕÆÚ°´Å¥ ʼþ Àà
Dim Y, m As Integer
If Len(buttonGroup.Caption) = 0 Then Exit Sub
With CalendarForm
Y = Val(.ComboBoxY.Value) 'È¥µôÓұߵÄ"Äê"
m = Val(.ComboBoxM.Value)
If Y < 1901 Then
MsgBox "Äê·Ý²»ÄÜСÓÚ1901,ÇëÖØÐÂÊäÈ룡" 'Excel¼Ù¶¨1900ÄêÊÇÈòÄ꣬ÕâÊÇ´íÎóµÄ¡£
Exit Sub
End If
End With
On Error Resume Next
If Len(buttonGroup.Tag) = 0 Then
Thehide.Cells(35, 1).Value = DateSerial(Y, m, buttonGroup.Caption) '¸³Öµ¸ø¿ªÊ¼ÈÕÆÚ£¨Äê-ÔÂ-ÈÕ£© ‘输出到一个单元格
Thehide.Cells(35, 1).Value = DateSerial(Y, Val(buttonGroup.Tag), buttonGroup.Caption) ' ²»ÊDZ¾Ô ¸³Öµ¸ø¿ªÊ¼ÈÕÆÚ£¨Äê-ÔÂ-ÈÕ£©
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Row = 35 And Target.Column = 1 Then
If Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg2form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPISL1" Then
Pg2form.DTPISL1.Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg2form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPISL2" Then
Pg2form.DTPISL2.Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg2form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPISL3" Then
Pg2form.DTPISL3.Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg2form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPISL4" Then
Pg2form.DTPISL4.Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg2form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPISL5" Then
Pg2form.DTPISL5.Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg2form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPISL6" Then
Pg2form.DTPISL6.Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg6form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPISL2" Then
Pg6form.DTPISL2.Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg7form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPISL1" Then
Pg7form.DTPISL1.Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg7form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPISL2" Then
Pg7form.DTPISL2.Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg7form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPISL3" Then
Pg7form.DTPISL3.Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Thehide.Cells(35, 3).Value = "Pg7form" And Thehide.Cells(35, 2).Value = "DTPpayment" Then
Pg7form.DTPpayment.Value = Target.Value
End If
End If
End Sub
这样就完美的用一个日历窗体解决了很多个日期控件的问题,表现得跟DTPicker一样。 |