[广告] Excel易用宝 - 提升Excel的操作效率 · Excel / WPS表格插件 ★ 免费下载 ★ ★ 使用帮助★
本帖最后由 liucqa 于 2013-9-17 22:33 编辑
http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/exc ... smart-indenter.html
- Sub miApplyIndent()
- Dim aCodePane As VBIDE.CodePane
- Dim aStartLine As Long, aEndLine As Long
- Dim aLineNumber As Long, aStartColumn As Long, aEndColumn As Long
- Dim aLine As String, aIndentLevel As Integer, aLineIsAfterUnderscore As Boolean
- Dim aIncThisIndent As Boolean, aDecThisIndent As Boolean
- Dim aIncNextIndent As Boolean, aDecNextIndent As Boolean
- Set aCodePane = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.ActiveCodePane
- 'aCodePane.GetSelection aStartLine, aStartColumn, aEndLine, aEndColumn
- aStartLine = 1
- aEndLine = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.SelectedVBComponent.CodeModule.CountOfLines
- For aLineNumber = aStartLine To aEndLine
- aLine = aCodePane.CodeModule.Lines(aLineNumber, 1)
- Do Until Left(aLine, 1) <> " "
- aCodePane.CodeModule.ReplaceLine aLineNumber, Mid(aLine, 2)
- aLine = aCodePane.CodeModule.Lines(aLineNumber, 1)
- Loop 'Loop repeats until all spaces/indents removed
- Next aLineNumber
- For aLineNumber = aStartLine To aEndLine
- aLine = aCodePane.CodeModule.Lines(aLineNumber, 1)
- Select Case Left(aLine, IIf(InStr(aLine, " ") = 0, 999, InStr(aLine, " ") - 1))
- Case "Do", "For", "Private", "Select", "Sub", "While", "With", "Function"
- aIncNextIndent = True 'After certain keywords, indent next line
- Case "If" 'After If, where line ends in Then, indent next line
- If Right(aLine, 4) = "Then" Then aIncNextIndent = True
- Case "Loop", "Next", "End" 'At Loop, Next, End, un-indent this line
- aDecThisIndent = True
- Case "Case", "Else", "ElseIf"
- aDecThisIndent = True 'Un-indent Case or Else
- aIncNextIndent = True 'Indent line after Case or Else
- End Select
- If Right(aLine, 2) = " _" And Not aLineIsAfterUnderscore Then
- aIncNextIndent = True 'Indent line after underscore
- aLineIsAfterUnderscore = True 'Set a flag to un-indent the line after next
- ElseIf Right(aLine, 2) <> " _" And aLineIsAfterUnderscore Then
- aDecNextIndent = True
- aLineIsAfterUnderscore = False
- End If
- If aIncThisIndent Then aIndentLevel = aIndentLevel + 1: aIncThisIndent = False
- If aDecThisIndent Then aIndentLevel = aIndentLevel - 1: aDecThisIndent = False
- On Error GoTo lIndentError
- aCodePane.CodeModule.ReplaceLine aLineNumber, Space$(aIndentLevel * 4) & aLine
- On Error GoTo 0
- If aIncNextIndent Then aIndentLevel = aIndentLevel + 1: aIncNextIndent = False
- If aDecNextIndent Then aIndentLevel = aIndentLevel - 1: aDecNextIndent = False
- Next aLineNumber
- Exit Sub
- lIndentError:
- If aIndentLevel < 0 Then aIndentLevel = 0 'Will not happen unless extra lines selected
- Resume Next
- End Sub