Sub test()
Dim wb As Workbook, sht As Worksheet
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set sht = wb.Sheets("汇总表")
r = sht.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(3).Row
arr = sht.Range(sht.[a1], sht.Cells(r, "c"))
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For i = 2 To UBound(arr)
s = arr(i, 1)
If s <> Empty Then d(s) = i - 1
ReDim crr(1 To UBound(arr) - 1, 1 To 2)
For Each sh In wb.Sheets
If sh.Name <> sht.Name Then
r = sh.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(3).Row
brr = sh.Range(sh.[a1], sh.Cells(r, "j"))
If IsArray(brr) Then
For i = 6 To UBound(brr)
s = brr(i, 1)
If d.exists(s) Then
crr(d(s), 1) = crr(d(s), 1) + brr(i, 4)
crr(d(s), 2) = crr(d(s), 2) + brr(i, 8)
End If
End If
End If
sht.[b2].Resize(UBound(crr), 2) = crr
Set d = Nothing
End Sub