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- Option Explicit
- Sub Main()
- ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects.Delete
- End Sub
- Sub LT2RB()
- Dim objDic As Object, rngData As Range, bFlag As Boolean
- Dim i As Long, j As Long, r As Long, c As Long, sKey As String
- Dim arrData, RowCnt As Long, ColCnt As Long, iCount As Long
- Dim oSht1 As Worksheet, oSht2 As Worksheet
- Dim sCell As Range, eCell As Range
- Const S_ROW = 5
- Const S_COL = 2
- Set rngData = Cells(S_ROW, S_COL).CurrentRegion
- arrData = rngData.Value
- RowCnt = UBound(arrData)
- ColCnt = UBound(arrData, 2)
- For i = 1 To ColCnt
- For j = 1 To RowCnt
- bFlag = False
- If i = 1 Or j = 1 Then
- bFlag = True
- Else
- r = j - 1: c = i - 1
- If r < 1 Then r = 1
- If c < 1 Then c = 1
- If Not arrData(j, i) = arrData(r, c) Then bFlag = True
- End If
- If bFlag Then
- sKey = arrData(j, i)
- iCount = 0: r = j: c = i
- Set sCell = Cells(S_ROW + r - 1, S_COL + c - 1)
- Do
- If sKey = arrData(r, c) Then
- iCount = iCount + 1
- Set eCell = Cells(S_ROW + r - 1, S_COL + c - 1)
- Else
- If iCount > 6 Then
- Debug.Print sCell.Address, eCell.Address
- AddLine sCell, eCell
- End If
- iCount = 1
- sKey = arrData(r, c)
- Set sCell = Cells(S_ROW + r - 1, S_COL + c - 1)
- End If
- r = r + 1: c = c + 1
- Loop Until r = RowCnt + 1 Or c = ColCnt + 1
- If iCount > 6 Then
- Debug.Print sCell.Address, eCell.Address
- AddLine sCell, eCell
- End If
- End If
- Next j
- Next i
- End Sub
- Sub LB2RT()
- Dim objDic As Object, rngData As Range, bFlag As Boolean
- Dim i As Long, j As Long, r As Long, c As Long, sKey As String
- Dim arrData, RowCnt As Long, ColCnt As Long, iCount As Long
- Dim oSht1 As Worksheet, oSht2 As Worksheet
- Dim sCell As Range, eCell As Range
- Const S_ROW = 5
- Const S_COL = 2
- Set rngData = Cells(S_ROW, S_COL).CurrentRegion
- arrData = rngData.Value
- RowCnt = UBound(arrData)
- ColCnt = UBound(arrData, 2)
- For i = 1 To ColCnt
- For j = 5 To RowCnt
- bFlag = False
- If i = 1 Or j = RowCnt Then
- bFlag = True
- Else
- r = j + 1: c = i - 1
- If r > RowCnt Then r = RowCnt
- If c < 1 Then c = 1
- If Not arrData(j, i) = arrData(r, c) Then bFlag = True
- End If
- If bFlag Then
- sKey = arrData(j, i)
- iCount = 0: r = j: c = i
- Set sCell = Cells(S_ROW + r - 1, S_COL + c - 1)
- Do
- If sKey = arrData(r, c) Then
- iCount = iCount + 1
- Set eCell = Cells(S_ROW + r - 1, S_COL + c - 1)
- Else
- If iCount > 6 Then
- Debug.Print sCell.Address, eCell.Address
- AddLine sCell, eCell
- End If
- iCount = 1
- sKey = arrData(r, c)
- Set sCell = Cells(S_ROW + r - 1, S_COL + c - 1)
- End If
- r = r - 1: c = c + 1
- Loop Until r = 0 Or c = ColCnt + 1
- If iCount > 6 Then
- Debug.Print sCell.Address, eCell.Address
- AddLine sCell, eCell
- End If
- End If
- Next j
- Next i
- End Sub
- Sub AddLine(s As Range, e As Range)
- ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddConnector(msoConnectorStraight, _
- s.Left + s.Width / 2, s.Top + s.Height / 2, _
- e.Left + e.Width / 2, e.Top + e.Height / 2).Select
- With Selection.ShapeRange.Line
- .Visible = msoTrue
- .Weight = 2
- End With
- End Sub
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