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- Sub 打印()
- '拼箱单
- Sheets("拼箱单").Range("a1:l12").Select
- 'ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut '调用打印命令打印当前页
- '保存数据
- With Sheets("记录")
- x = .Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1 '取得“记录”表中最后一个空行的行号(即写入位置)
- .Cells(x, 1) = Sheets("拼箱单").[g2] '客户
- .Cells(x, 2) = Sheets("拼箱单").[F6] '单号1
- .Cells(x, 3) = Sheets("拼箱单").[G6] '单号2
- .Cells(x, 4) = Sheets("拼箱单").[F7] '单号3
- .Cells(x, 5) = Sheets("拼箱单").[G7] '单号4
- .Cells(x, 6) = Sheets("拼箱单").[F8] '单号5
- .Cells(x, 7) = Sheets("拼箱单").[G8] '单号6
- .Cells(x, 8) = Sheets("拼箱单").[B12] '复核员
- .Cells(x, 9) = Sheets("拼箱单").[B10] '拣货员
- .Cells(x, 10) = Sheets("拼箱单").[b11] '包装员
- .Cells(x, 11) = Sheets("拼箱单").[d7] '件数
- .Cells(x, 12) = Sheets("拼箱单").[E10] '复核时间
- .Cells(x, 13) = Sheets("拼箱单").[B6] '备注
- End With
- '清除数据(单据编号E2格与有公式的单元格不用清除)
- Range("g2,f6,f7,f8,g6,g7,g8,d7").ClearContents
- s = Range("e2") '收据上的当前序号在E2单元格
- s = Range("e2") + s
- Range("e2") = s
- MsgBox "打印并保存完毕", , "提示"
- End Sub
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