Making features easier to find and quicker to use 发现功能更简单,使用起来更快捷
One of the things the ribbon afforded us a chance to do was to make existing Excel functionality (meaning functionality already available in current versions of Excel) easier to find and quicker to use. Today I thought I would walk through a few (but in no way exhaustive) examples. Ribbon提供给我们的其中一个好处就是找到这些功能命令更方便了,然后使用起来更快捷了(这些功能以前版本的Excel中就有),今天我想通过实例来说明一下(当然不可能涵盖所有的方面)[Point=2] Find can be more than just find 查找不意味就是查找而已 Most users are likely familiar with Edit|Find, which allows users to look for text in their Excel document. Not as many are familiar with the fact that you can find all cells that have conditional formatting applied, all cells that contain formulas, or all cells that contain comments, primarily because there is a separate UI path to get at these capabilities (Edit|Go To … and then the “Special” button). In Excel 2007, we have merged “Find”, “Go To Special”, and a few other capabilities in one control in the Ribbon, which our research shows helps users discover and take advantage of functionality they did not previously know existed. 许多用户喜欢也很熟悉用编辑|查找,这个命令可以用来在Excel文档中查找文本,但其中很多人并不很清楚他还能查找有单元格自定义的内容,有公式,有批注,因为要查到那些内容的命令是位于不同的UI路径(编辑|定位 然后选择“特殊”这个按钮)在Excel2007中,我们把“查找”“定位”和其它一些功能集成到一个工具栏下,这些有助于用户发现并使用他们以前不知道的一些功能
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Paste can be Special too In a similar vein, we have taken the most heavily used Paste Special commands and merged them into the Paste control in the Excel 2007 Ribbon. Again, we believe that this will serve two purposes – advertising capabilities like “Transpose” to users that may not have otherwise discovered the feature, and putting commonly used Paste Special commands fewer clicks away. 粘贴也很特别 出于同样的思路,在2007的下拉工具栏中,自定义粘贴中很多用的功能也被集成到粘贴工具栏中,同样,这有两个作用,一是使用户注意到以前他们没有注意到的功能,如“转置”,二是自定义粘贴中不常用的功能就不再集成了
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Wrap text to the forefront Our research shows that “Wrap Text” is a very heavily used command in Excel, yet in current versions of Excel, it is only available as a checkbox on one of the tabs in the Format Cells dialog. In Excel 2007, we have added a button on the first Excel tab that allows users to toggle “Wrap Text” on and off. 自动换行功能放到了前台 我们的调查表明,“自动换行”功能是Excel中最常用功能之一,在当前版本的Excel中,它只是作为在自定义单元格格式中的一个选择框,在2007中,它直接作为一个表单出现了,然后只要你点击即可
Users simply need to jab the button or use a keyboard shortcut to toggle “Wrap Text”. Again, the benefits are feature visibility and efficiency. 使用时只要点击这个按钮或使用快捷键,最后,这个安排的好处就是直观且有效率
Text orientation too 文字方向也这样考虑了 Another example of a commonly used feature that is only available on the Format Cells dialog is text orientation. We have added a drop-down to the first Excel tab that allows users to orient text with one or two clicks. 还有一个在自定义格式中常用的功能就是文字方向,我们已经把它加入到工具栏中,这样用户只要一到两步就能搞定
Note that these features are still available on the Format Cells dialog; we have simply made them available front and centre on the Ribbon. 注意这些功能在单元格自定义格式中也有,我们只不过把他们放到了前台而已 Number format The final example from the front tab of the Excel Ribbon is setting number formats. Excel 2007 has a control that allows uses to set the most common number formats without needing to launch the Format Cells dialog. 自定义数字格式 最后一个放到excel工具栏中的例子就是自定义数字格式,Excel2007允许用户快速设置常用的数字格式而不用再转到单元格格式对话框中去
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Paste Names Renamed … A "Formula" tab example 粘贴自定义名称。。。一个“公式”的表单 Folks that use names frequently may be familiar with Excel’s Insert|Name|Paste feature. In its current incarnation, the feature brings up a dialog listing names available in a workbook which users can then insert into formulas they are building. In Excel 2007, we have shifted the UI to the ribbon, again making the feature (hopefully) more discoverable and more efficient to use. To build a formula using names is as simple as clicking the drop-down control in the ribbon and picking the names that you want to use. Here are a few screenshots that should give you an idea of how this works ... in this case, I am building a formula that subtracts “Cost” from “Sales” by simply picking those two names from the “Use In Formula” drop down in the “Named Cells” chunk. 经常使用名称的人可能对插入|名称|粘贴这个功能很熟悉,这个功能列出当前工作簿中所有定义的可用名称,这样可以插入到用户定义的各种公式中去,在Excel2007中,我们把它连到工具栏上,然后也再次希望这个功能可以用起来更迅捷,设置一个公式时只要简单点击工具栏然后挑选你要的名称即可。下面有一些截图来解释一下这如何工作…以下一个例子,我做了一个从销售中减去成本的公式,从“定义单元格名称”这一块中选择“使用到公式中”然后选择相应的名称
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(Click to enlarge) That’s it for today. Next week, I will start a series of posts on work we have done to make producing professional-quality documents simple and fast. 今天就到这儿,下个星期,我再发些我们已经完成的成果,能让文档做起来又快又简单
Published Thursday, March 02, 2006 6:05 AM by David Gainer
注:本文翻译自 ,原文作者为David Gainer(a Microsoft employee),Excel Home 授权转载。严禁任何人以任何形式转载,违者必究。
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