本帖最后由 976190982 于 2021-10-16 10:59 编辑
附件地址:https://wwi.lanzoui.com/isxENvd9kad 由于附件过大,就发地址了。
问题 :在ActivePresentation.Slides.Paste (ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1) '粘贴至最后一张之后 这里会出现 运行时错误'-2147188160(80048240)
- Sub PPT批量插入幻灯片图片文本框()
- Dim pptPre As Presentation
- Dim p, C As Long
- Dim n As Integer
- Dim myPath As String
- Dim appExcel As Object
- Dim myexcel As Object
- Dim mysheet As Object
- Dim rcount As Long
- ' On Error Resume Next
- Set pptPre = ActivePresentation
- myPath = ActivePresentation.Path & "\图片" '图片位置
- Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") '创建excel对象
- Set myexcel = appExcel.Workbooks.Open(ActivePresentation.Path & "\数据.xlsx") '打开工作表
- Set mysheet = myexcel.sheets("Sheet1") '创建工作表对象
- rcount = mysheet.Cells(mysheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(3).Row '获取工作表最后一行行号
- For p = 2 To rcount '从第2行到最后一行
- If Dir(myPath & mysheet.Cells(p, "A").Value & ".jpg") <> "" Then '判断图片文件是否存在
- n = n + 1
- ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Copy '复制第一张幻灯片
- ActivePresentation.Slides.Paste (ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1) '粘贴至最后一张之后
- pptPre.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count).Shapes.AddPicture FileName:=myPath & _
- mysheet.Cells(p, "A").Value & ".jpg", LinkToFile:=msoFalse, SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
- Left:=25, Top:=150, Width:=275, Height:=294 '插入图片,设置坐标及长宽
- '产品名称
- With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
- With .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 124, 18, 300, 10) '文本框坐标及长宽
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 18 '字号
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = mysheet.Cells(p, 2).Value '文本内容
- End With
- End With
- '日常价格
- With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
- With .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 576, 16, 300, 10) '文本框坐标及长宽
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 18 '字号
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = mysheet.Cells(p, 3).Value '文本内容
- End With
- End With
- '店铺名称
- With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
- With .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 835, 15, 300, 10) '文本框坐标及长宽
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 14 '字号
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = mysheet.Cells(p, 4).Value '文本内容
- End With
- End With
- '物流
- With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
- With .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 111, 62, 300, 10) '文本框坐标及长宽
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 14 '字号
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = mysheet.Cells(p, 5).Value '文本内容
- End With
- End With
- '几天发货
- With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
- With .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 313, 62, 300, 10) '文本框坐标及长宽
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 14 '字号
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = mysheet.Cells(p, 6).Value '文本内容
- End With
- End With
- '直播价格
- With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
- With .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 576, 61, 300, 10) '文本框坐标及长宽
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 14 '字号
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = mysheet.Cells(p, 7).Value '文本内容
- End With
- End With
- '库存情况
- With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
- With .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 838, 59, 300, 10) '文本框坐标及长宽
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 14 '字号
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = mysheet.Cells(p, 8).Value '文本内容
- End With
- End With
- '材质
- With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
- With .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 312, 138, 300, 10) '文本框坐标及长宽
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 14 '字号
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = mysheet.Cells(p, 9).Value '文本内容
- End With
- End With
- '尺码
- With ActivePresentation.Slides(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
- With .Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 87, 485, 300, 10) '文本框坐标及长宽
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 14 '字号
- .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = mysheet.Cells(p, 10).Value '文本内容
- End With
- End With
- End If
- Next p
- myexcel.Close
- Set pptPre = Nothing
- Set appExcel = Nothing
- Set myexcel = Nothing
- Set mysheet = Nothing
- MsgBox "全部PPT已添加完成,若要外发请删除第一页模板页!!", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "提示"
- End Sub
帮忙ActiveWindow.view.paste 错误_百度知道 (baidu.com)