(152.87 KB, 下载次数: 6)
Sub Template()
AccountYear = InputBox("请输入要生成模板的会计年度:")
AccountPeriod = InputBox("请输入要生成模板的会计期间:")
StaffRows = Worksheets("员工").Cells(Worksheets("员工").Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To StaffRows
Dim n As Integer
n = 2
Dim x As Integer
x = 2
Name = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(A, n)
If IsEmpty(Name) Then
Exit For
SourceRows = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For j = 1 To SourceRows
If Worksheets("数据源").Cells(C, n).Value = AccountYear Then
If Worksheets("数据源").Cells(D, n).Value = AccountPeriod Then
If Worksheets("数据源").Cells(G, n).Value = Name Then
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(C, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(K, y).Value '账簿编码
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(E, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(B, y).Value '凭证日期
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(K, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(B, y).Value '核算组织代码
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(M, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(C, y).Value '会计年度
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(O, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(D, y).Value '会计期间
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(V, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(F, y).Value '会计科目
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(W, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(E, y).Value '会计科目名称
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(AZ, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(j, y).Value '部门编码
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(BY, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(S, y).Value '原币金额
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(BZ, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(S, y).Value '借方金额
If Worksheets("数据源").Cells(n, y).Value = "报销" Then
x = x + 1
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(V, x).Value = "2241.03"
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(AX, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(H, y).Value '员工编码
ElseIf Worksheets("数据源").Cells(n, y).Value = "付款" Then
x = x + 1
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(V, x).Value = "1002"
Worksheets("导入模板").Cells(AF, x).Value = Worksheets("数据源").Cells(R, y).Value '银行账号
End If
y = y + 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub