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Sub 汇总()
Dim wordapp, wordD
Dim cPath$, cFile$, str$, i%, arr(1 To 10000, 1 To 10)
cPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\采购供货单1个\"
cFile = Dir(cPath & "*.doc")
Set wordapp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Do While cFile <> ""
Set wordD = wordapp.Documents.Open(cPath & cFile)
i = i + 1
With wordD.Tables(1)
arr(i, 1) = i
arr(i, 2) = Replace(Replace(.Cell(1, 2).Range.Text, Chr(7), ""), Chr(13), "")
arr(i, 3) = Replace(Replace(.Cell(2, 2).Range.Text, Chr(7), ""), Chr(13), "")
End With
With wordD.Tables(2)
arr(i, 4) = Replace(Replace(.Cell(2, 2).Range.Text, Chr(7), ""), Chr(13), "")
arr(i, 5) = Replace(Replace(.Cell(2, 3).Range.Text, Chr(7), ""), Chr(13), "")
arr(i, 6) = Replace(Replace(.Cell(2, 4).Range.Text, Chr(7), ""), Chr(13), "")
arr(i, 7) = Replace(Replace(.Cell(2, 6).Range.Text, Chr(7), ""), Chr(13), "")
arr(i, 8) = Replace(Replace(.Cell(2, 8).Range.Text, Chr(7), ""), Chr(13), "")
arr(i, 9) = Replace(Replace(.Cell(2, 10).Range.Text, Chr(7), ""), Chr(13), "")
arr(i, 10) = Replace(Replace(.Cell(2, 11).Range.Text, Chr(7), ""), Chr(13), "")
End With
cFile = Dir
Set wordD = Nothing
Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arr), 10).Value = arr
End Sub