本帖最后由 andyleeq 于 2018-9-7 18:45 编辑
Function mycopypict(copyrng As Range, Optional targetrng, Optional pictname As String = "N")
' 参数:copyrng 要复制的区域range ; targetrng 要粘贴到的目标区域 ;range,pictname 要保存的文件名
Dim mytest, mytt, fd, Xfd As Byte
On Error GoTo err_go1 '判断copyrng是否存在单元格,报错就是没有,野路子
mytest = copyrng.Address
On Error GoTo err_go4
mytt = Sheets("TOPshow").Range("AJ3").Value 'AJ3 是一个单元格,上面可以写入文件路径到mytt
If Dir(mytt & "\") = "" Then
MsgBox (mytt & "\" & "不存在,请检查网络,或重新选择文件夹")
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) '允许用户选择一个文件夹
If fd.Show = -1 Then
'On Error Resume Next
MsgBox fd.SelectedItems(1)
mytt = fd.SelectedItems(1) '选择之后就记录这个文件夹名称
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Function '否则就退出程序
End If
End If
On Error GoTo err_go2 '判断targetrng是否存在单元格,报错就是没有,野路子
If Not IsMissing(targetrng) Then
mytest = targetrng.Address
End If
On Error GoTo err_go3
'MsgBox VarType(pictname)
'On Error Resume Next
Dim ls, ts, w, h As Single
w = copyrng.Width: h = copyrng.Height
If pictname = "N" Then pictname = Format(Now(), "yyyymmddhhmm") '判断pictname 缺省时,用时间为文件名
With copyrng '复制区域
End With
'a = Format(Now(), "yyyymmddhhmm")
If IsMissing(targetrng) Then '没有粘贴目标区域时,就将左上边界设为0
ls = 0
ts = 0
'MsgBox "no"
'MsgBox "tar yes"
With targetrng '有粘贴目标区域时,就将左上边界设为区域边界
ls = .Left
ts = .top
End With
'delect pict________________________________________将粘贴区域上的现存的图片删除
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
Set theCell = shp.TopLeftCell
'a1 = shp.Name
'a2 = "Rectangle"
'a3 = InStr(a1, a2)
'If a3 = 1 Then shp.Delete
If Not Intersect(targetrng, theCell) Is Nothing Then shp.Delete
Next shp
'copy pict________________________________________
Set theCell = Nothing
End If
Set ownshp = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Paste '在目标区域粘贴第一个图片
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(ls, ts, w, h).Chart '临时加一个绘图对象并复制,导出,并删除
.Export mytt & "\" & pictname & ".jpg"
End With
If IsMissing(targetrng) Then ownshp.Delete '如果没有目标对象参数,就将第一个图片也删除
If Not Dir(mytt & "\" & pictname & ".jpg") = "" Then
MsgBox "成功保存到:" & mytt & "\" & pictname & ".jpg"
MsgBox "未保存成功"
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox ("复制区域参数不是RANGE对象")
Exit Function
MsgBox ("粘贴区域参数不是RANGE对象")
Exit Function
MsgBox ("不知名错误")
Exit Function
MsgBox ("文件保存问题")
Exit Function
Exit Function
MsgBox ("not here 6")
Exit Function
End Function