本帖最后由 lee_tao57 于 2018-3-6 20:06 编辑
The Learning Curve
TableauDesktop—like Chartio($2,000.00 at Chartio)— still assumes too high a level ofsophistication in its users if it hopes to progress further in a market that'sswiftly moving towards general users rather than data specialists. Tableaueasily found footholds to sprint to the top earlier because experiencedbusiness and data analysts were desperately seeking better tools and a wayaround IT bottlenecks. But that market is now largely saturated. The challengetoday is to grow the market through distributed BI and datademocratization—meaning, tools must appeal to and be usable by nearly anyone ina given organization.
This is why IBMWatson Analytics($360.00 at IBM) and Microsoft Power BI(Free at Microsoft) aresuch serious threats to Tableau. IBM Watson Analytics, for example, has found astronghold in healthcare where doctors, nurses, and other medical professionalsunderstand data but not the language of data science. The highly intuitive,semantic language in the UI enables them to work with data with little hassleor learning curve. Ditto for Microsoft Power BI, which has found a strongholdin organizations that tend to have few data-trained people yet significant needfor data analysis and a familiarity with everything Microsoft.
Still, Tableauis a great product with a feature set that easily rivals that of either of thecompetitors just mentioned. If customers are willing to eat its learning curve,then Tableau can almost certainly fulfill any data analytics need. And, if thecompany evolves its UI in the future, then there's every chance it might regainits solo position as king of self-serve BI.
学习曲线 Tableau Desktop 和Chartio(一款Self-Service BI产品。笔者注)一样,如果使用者希望能在尽快转向一般用户而非数据专家的市场上取得进一步发展,则该产品对使用者的复杂程度仍然过高。Tableau很容易找到立脚点以便早日抵达顶点,因为经验丰富的业务和数据分析师正在极力找寻更好的工具和解决IT瓶颈的方法。但是这个市场现在已经基本饱和,这就意味着今天的挑战是通过分布式商务智能以及数据民主化来拓展市场,分析工具必须吸引并可供给特定组织中的任何人使用。
这正是IBM Watson Analytics和Microsoft Power BI对Tableau构成严重威胁的原因。例如,IBM Watson Analytics已经在医疗保健领域打下了坚实的基础,医生、护士和其他医疗专业人员都了解数据,而不需了解数据科学的语言,用户界面中的高度直观的语义语言使得他们可以轻松处理数据,而且学习曲线难度小。微软PowerBI也是如此,该公司在那些往往少有数据受训人员,但对数据分析有很高需求,且熟悉微软所有产品的组织中打下了坚实的基础。