本帖最后由 macro_23 于 2017-10-30 17:02 编辑
批量提取word中(表格数 n>=100;) 表格 纵向和横向header, title ,footnote ? 并将结果输出到excel 里面,word &excel 参考附件。
1.为每一张table 提取 title & footnote
table | title and footnote | text | table 1 | title | Demographics | table 1 | footnote | Percentages for each observed data category are calculated based on the number of patients with non-missing observations as the denominator. | table 1 | footnote | SD: Standard deviation. Q1: 25th percentile. Q3: 75th percentile. Min: Minimum. Max: Maximum. | table 2 | title | Demographics | table 2 | footnote | Percentages for each observed data category are calculated based on the number of patients with non-missing observations as the denominator. | table 2 | footnote | SD: Standard deviation. Q1: 25th percentile. Q3: 75th percentile. Min: Minimum. Max: Maximum. | table 3 | title | Demographics | table 3 | footnote | Percentages for each observed data category are calculated based on the number of patients with non-missing observations as the denominator. | table 3 | footnote | SD: Standard deviation. Q1: 25th percentile. Q3: 75th percentile. Min: Minimum. Max: Maximum. |
2.为每一张table 提取 row header-subheader & column header-subheader
column header | table | table 1 | Multiple races specified | table 1 | Missing | table 1 | Ethnicity, n (%) | table 1 | Hispanic or Latino | table 1 | Not Hispanic or Latino | table 1 | Not reported | table 1 | Unknown | table 1 | Missing | table 1 | Age (years) | table 1 | n | table 1 | Mean (SD) | table 1 | Median | table 1 | Q1, Q3 | table 1 | Min, Max | table 1 | Age category, n(%) | table 1 | 18-59 years | table 1 | 60–74 years | table 1 | ≥75 years | table 1 | Missing |
column header | row header1 | row header2 | table 1 | Demographics | FAS Cohort (N=xxx) | table 2 | Demographics | FAS Cohort (N=xxx) | table 3 | Demographics | FAS Cohort (N=xxx) |
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