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[求助] 批量提取word中 表格 纵向和横向的header, title ,footnote




发表于 2017-10-30 16:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 macro_23 于 2017-10-30 17:02 编辑

批量提取word中(表格数 n>=100;) 表格 纵向和横向header, title ,footnote ? 并将结果输出到excel 里面,word &excel 参考附件。

1.为每一张table 提取  title & footnote
tabletitle and footnotetext
table 1titleDemographics
table 1footnotePercentages for each observed data category are calculated based on the  number of patients with non-missing observations as the denominator.
table 1footnoteSD: Standard deviation. Q1: 25th percentile. Q3: 75th percentile. Min:  Minimum. Max: Maximum.
table 2titleDemographics
table 2footnotePercentages for each observed data category are calculated based on the  number of patients with non-missing observations as the denominator.
table 2footnoteSD: Standard deviation. Q1: 25th percentile. Q3: 75th percentile. Min:  Minimum. Max: Maximum.
table 3titleDemographics
table 3footnotePercentages for each observed data category are calculated based on the  number of patients with non-missing observations as the denominator.
table 3footnoteSD: Standard deviation. Q1: 25th percentile. Q3: 75th percentile. Min:  Minimum. Max: Maximum.

2.为每一张table 提取 row header-subheader & column header-subheader
column  headertable
table 1  Multiple races specified
table 1  Missing
table 1Ethnicity, n (%)
table 1  Hispanic or Latino
table 1  Not Hispanic or Latino
table 1  Not reported
table 1  Unknown
table 1  Missing
table 1Age (years)
table 1n
table 1Mean (SD)
table 1Median
table 1Q1, Q3
table 1Min, Max
table 1Age category, n(%)
table 1  18-59 years
table 1  60–74 years
table 1  ≥75 years
table 1  Missing

column  headerrow header1row header2
table 1DemographicsFAS Cohort (N=xxx)
table 2DemographicsFAS Cohort (N=xxx)
table 3DemographicsFAS Cohort (N=xxx)

最后,将提取内容,和数据部分,进行完美的拼接,减少最原始的Ctrl+C/V 手动部分 人力的操作,提高工作效率!
sample table.JPG

word 20171030.zip

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