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下载最新版WinRAR V3.0 Beta 5简体中文版,大家上传文




发表于 2002-3-29 10:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
共享软件可使用40天 http://tj.skycn.net/down/wrar30b5sc.exe 无时间限制注册版 http://www.crackbest.com/chcrack/crack/HA-WinRAR30b5-ZMB.exe
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发表于 2002-4-2 00:36 | 显示全部楼层


Go to RarSoft.com contents -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In remembrance RON DWIGHT 1944 - 2002 It is with deep shock and infinite sadness that we announce the untimely passing of our good friend Ron Dwight. Those who knew him respected him for his charisma, for his wit, for his strong bargaining techniques as well as for his unique and penetrating mind. He will always be remembered... God bless. Ron's sudden departure leaves a lot of things to do... To continue the work that he had steadily perfected over the years. We are trying hard to get Softronic Oy back up to full operation. Please bear with us whilst we are shocked. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The arrangements have been completed for Ron's viewing and funeral. The viewing is Monday evening and the funeral is Wednesday afternoon. We have scheduled the viewing for Monday evening, April 1, 2002, from 6 - 8 pm EST. The location is: Orland's Ewing Memorial Chapel 1534 Pennington Rd Ewing, NJ 08628 USA Telephone 609 883-1400 Exit 4 Pennington Road South, from Rte 95 South, in the Trenton NJ area. Proceed south on Pennington Road about 3 miles. Orland's is on the left. Ron's funeral will be held at 2 pm EST Wednesday April 3, 2002. The location is: The Ewing Memorial Chapel 78 Scotch Road Ewing, NJ 08628 USA Telephone 609 882-0279 Exit 3 Scotch Road, from Route 95 South, in the Trenton NJ area. Proceed south on Scotch Road, passing the beautiful First Presbyterian Church on your right, and in a quarter mile, enter the Chapel parking lot, which is the Tudor building with all the stained glass, on your left. [upload=jpg]uploadImages/2002420345146069.jpg[/upload]



 楼主| 发表于 2002-4-2 00:39 | 显示全部楼层

下载最新版WinRAR V3.0 Beta 5简体中文版,大家上传文件会用到!

To:xiaog 一个被我们窃取知识产权而面带微笑的老人!



发表于 2011-11-2 10:33 | 显示全部楼层
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