如,我想把如下文本里面的of, or, in, no, obj, with, adverbial, a, an都删掉。实际文本要比这个大几十倍,而我想删掉的词也要超过几百,请问如果实现?谢谢!
grasp(something) tightly with one's hand place (one's arms) around something so asto hold it tightly hold (someone) tightly (clasp one's hands)press one's handstogether with the fingers interlaced a device with interlocking parts used forfastening things together a silver bar on a medal ribbon, inscribedwith the name of the battle at which the wearer was present a grasp or handshake an embrace strike the palms of (one's hands) togetherrepeatedly, typically in order to applaud show approval of (a person or action) inthis way strike the palms of (one's hands)together once, especially as a signal slap (someone) encouragingly on the backor shoulder place (a hand) briefly against or overone's mouth or forehead as a gesture of dismay or regret (of a bird) flap (its wings) audibly an act of striking together the palms ofthe hands, either once or repeatedly a friendly slap or pat on the back orshoulder an explosive sound, especially of thunder a device, typically flexible or worked by aspring, for holding an object or objects together or in place a device such as this used to holdbanknotes a piece of jewellery fastened by a clip a metal holder containing cartridges foran automatic firearm [with adverbial of place]fasten or befastened with a clip or clips cut short or trim (hair, wool, nails, orvegetation) with shears or scissors trim or remove the hair or wool of (ananimal) (clip something off)cut off a thing orpart of a thing with shears or scissors cut (a section) from a newspaper orperiodical pare the edge of (a coin), especiallyillicitly (Brit.)remove a small piece of (a bus ortrain ticket) to show that it has been used speak (words) in a quick, precise,staccato manner Computing)process (an image) so as toremove the parts outside a certain area (Electronics)truncate the amplitude of (asignal) above or below predetermined levels strike smartly or with a glancing blow [with obj. and adverbial ofdirection]strike or kick (something, especially a ball) smartly in a specifieddirection swindle or rob (someone) [no obj., with adverbial ofdirection](informal, chiefly US)move quickly in a specified direction an act of clipping or trimming something a short sequence taken from a film orbroadcast (亦作 wool clip)thequantity of wool clipped from a sheep or flock a smart or glancing blow [in sing.](informal)a specified speed orrate of movement, especially when rapid