本帖最后由 VBA万岁 于 2015-3-20 10:11 编辑
应用(一)复制文本、格式及链接:- Option Explicit
- Public Sub tableTest()
- Dim txt, web
- Set web = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- web.Open "Get", "http://nba.sports.sina.com.cn/match_result.php?dpc=1", False
- web.send
- txt = StrConv(web.responseBody, vbUnicode, &H804)
- txt = "<table>" & HtmlFilter(txt, "table980middle"">", "table980bottom")
- PutClipboard txt
- Cells.Clear
- [A1].Select
- ActiveSheet.Paste
- txt = StrConv(web.responseBody, vbUnicode, &H804)
- txt = HtmlFilter(txt, "<strong>", "</div>")
- PutClipboard txt
- Range("A" & ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 2).Select
- ActiveSheet.Paste
- End Sub
- Public Sub tableTest2()
- Dim txt, web
- Set web = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
- web.Open "Get", "http://nba.sports.sina.com.cn/league_order1.php?dpc=1", False
- web.send
- txt = StrConv(web.responseBody, vbUnicode, &H804)
- txt = "<table>" & HtmlFilter(txt, "table980middle"">", "</table>")
- PutClipboard txt
- Cells.Clear
- [A1].Select
- ActiveSheet.Paste
- txt = StrConv(web.responseBody, vbUnicode, &H804)
- txt = HtmlFilter(txt, "<strong>", "</div>")
- PutClipboard txt
- [A39].Select
- ActiveSheet.Paste
- End Sub
- Public Function HtmlFilter(ByVal htmlText$, Label1$, label2$)
- '返回html字符串lable1和最近的lable2标签中的数据
- Dim pStart As Long, pStop As Long
- '开始位置,结束位置
- pStart = InStr(htmlText, Label1) + Len(Label1)
- '找到标签信息的起始位置
- If pStart <> 0 Then
- pStop = InStr(pStart, htmlText, label2)
- HtmlFilter = Mid(htmlText, pStart, pStop - pStart)
- End If
- End Function
- Public Sub PutClipboard(ByVal tt$) 'tt放入剪贴板
- With CreateObject("new:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") '调试用,数据放入剪贴板
- .SetText tt
- .PutInClipboard
- End With
- End Sub
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