以下是引用rf在2003-11-3 10:56:00的发言:
[em00] [em00] [em00] [em00] [em00]
[em02] [em02] [em02] [em02] [em02]
'Under the ISO standard, a week always begins on a Monday, and ends on a Sunday.
'The first week of a year is that week which contains the first Thursday of the year,
'or, equivalently, contains Jan-4.
Public Function ISOWeekNum(AnyDate As Date, _
Optional WhichFormat As Variant) As Integer
' WhichFormat: missing or <> 2 then returns week number,
' = 2 then YYWW
Dim ThisYear As Integer
Dim PreviousYearStart As Date
Dim ThisYearStart As Date
Dim NextYearStart As Date
Dim YearNum As Integer
ThisYear = Year(AnyDate)
ThisYearStart = YearStart(ThisYear)
PreviousYearStart = YearStart(ThisYear - 1)
NextYearStart = YearStart(ThisYear + 1)
Select Case AnyDate
Case Is >= NextYearStart
ISOWeekNum = (AnyDate - NextYearStart) \ 7 + 1
YearNum = Year(AnyDate) + 1
Case Is < ThisYearStart
ISOWeekNum = (AnyDate - PreviousYearStart) \ 7 + 1
YearNum = Year(AnyDate) - 1
Case Else
ISOWeekNum = (AnyDate - ThisYearStart) \ 7 + 1
YearNum = Year(AnyDate)
End Select
If IsMissing(WhichFormat) Then
Exit Function
End If
If WhichFormat = 2 Then
ISOWeekNum = CInt(Format(Right(YearNum, 2), "00") & _
Format(ISOWeekNum, "00"))
End If
End Function
Public Function YearStart(WhichYear As Integer) As Date
Dim WeekDay As Integer
Dim NewYear As Date
NewYear = DateSerial(WhichYear, 1, 1)
WeekDay = (NewYear - 2) Mod 7
If WeekDay < 4 Then
YearStart = NewYear - WeekDay
YearStart = NewYear - WeekDay + 7
End If
End Function |