PivotTables V: Context Menus 透视表 V :上下文菜单
Today I wanted to talk about PivotTable context menus, for two reasons ... first, because we have updated them to make them more useful, and second, because we have added some neat new features that are exposed primarily in context menus. All of this is part of our work to make PivotTables easier to explore and manipulate. Let's take a look at some of the improvements and additions. 今天我想谈一谈透视表菜单,有两个原因,首先是因为我们为其添加了一些更加有用的内容,二是因为我们增加了一些灵巧的新特色,这点在“背景菜单”中主要被显露出来。我们所做的这些工作是为了让透视表更易于探寻和操作。让我们来看看其中一些改进。
Sorting by items on rows or columns 按行或列排序
Below is a screenshot of the context menu for an item on rows or columns (we have a different context menu for values which is covered below). The item used in the example is Mountain Bikes of the Product Category field. 下面是一个行列项目菜单的截图(我们对于被盖住的数值有一个不同的菜单)。这个项目所用的是山地车类产品的例子。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
We have added sorting and filtering options to the context menu to make it fast/easy to sort/filter the current selection. (I will go into more depth on sorting and filtering improvements in a later post. Today I'll just review the sort and filter context menu options.) 我们在菜单增加了排序和筛选选项,使其能够快捷、方便地对当前选项进行排序或筛选。(我将在以后的帖子中更深入地探究排序和筛选方面的改进。今天,我将只讨论菜单项目中的排序和筛选。)
The context menu allows you to apply an ascending or descending sort based on the item names, or you can manually move items of a field to the position you want. Here is a screenshot of the sort menu in the beta version of Excel illustrating those options. 菜单中你可以按项目的名称进行升序或降序排列,或者你可以用手工的方式将一个区域的项目移到你想要的位置。下面是一张来自Excel测试版的截图,列举了排序菜单的选项。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
Filtering 筛选
Located just below the sort menu, the filter menu provides direct access to the dialogs for setting up a dynamic filter on the selected field (I'll cover dynamic filters in a later post), and it also provides the option of defining a manual filter by just displaying the items selected, hiding all the other items of the field, or hiding the selected items. Here is a screenshot of the filter menu ... being able to hide or show only selected items is a very handy feature that we think PivotTable users will love. 就在排序菜单下面的位置,筛选菜单提供了在选择的区域上直接建立动态筛选(我在以后的文章中会揭示动态筛选)的命令,同时它也提供了通过显示的选择项目定义一个手工筛选选项。这是一个筛选菜单的截图,能够仅隐藏或显示选择项目,这是一个非常便利的特性,我们认为透视表使用者将会喜欢这个特性。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
Turning on and off subtotals 打开和关闭分类汇总
In many reports, subtotals are not needed for specific fields. This is often tied to the report layout chosen, but it can also be simply because it doesn't really make sense to add up the numbers in a given context. For this reason, we added the option to turn on and off the display of subtotals of the selected field to the context menu. For example, consider this PivotTable. 在许多表格中,对于特定的区域分类求和不是必需的。这就需要经常关闭已选择的表格布局,但它也可能变得简单。因为在特定的上下文中增加分类汇总数字不一定真的有意义。基于这个原因,我们在菜单中增加了所选区域分类汇总显示开关选项。例如,像这样的透视表。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
Pretend that the source data for this PivotTable does not contain sales data for all bikes and, before sending out this report, you want to remove the subtotals for Mountain Bikes and Road Bikes so that the report does not contain subtotals that can be considered incorrect since they only represent a subset of the bikes sold. All you have to so is to right-click Mountain Bikes or Road Bikes and select the subtotal option. 假设这个透视表的数据源没有包括全部自行车的销售数据,在发出这个报表时,你想移去山地自行车和公路自行车的分类汇总项,以便报表不包括能够考虑到的错误的分类汇总,因为他们仅说明了自行车销售的一个分类。你因此不得不点击右键选择山地自行车或公路自行车的分类汇总选项。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
And now the PivotTable no longer contains the subtotals for Mountain Bikes and Road Bikes. 现在透视表不再包括山地自行车和公路自车的分类汇总项目。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
Expand/Collapse 展开/折叠
The Expand/collapse menu offers a fast way to expand multiple fields at once (this has come up in comments as well as a few emails folks have sent this week). Say you have the following PivotTable and you want to display all the available details for Canada. 展开/折叠菜单提供了快速方法去一次性地展开多个区域(这一点在注解和这周发来的电子邮件中已经讨论过)。比方说你有下面这样的透视表,你想显示所有“加拿大”有用的细节。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
In the context menu, all you have to do is to select the field that you want to expand to, in this example Product Name. 在这个菜单中,你必须要做的是选择你想要展开的区域,本例中的产品名称。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
And the PivotTable now displays all the details for Canada. 透视表马上显示“加拿大”的所有详细内容。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
The context menu will show you all the fields on the axis, so you can collapse or expand to any field you want. As you can imagine, this is even more useful when there are more than the three fields of this simple example. 这个菜单将显示在这个轴上所有的区域,因此你可以折叠或展开你想要的区域。因此你可以想象,当有比这个简单例子中三个区域更多区域时,会更加有用。
Sorting by values 按数值排序
As I mentioned, the context menu users see for values is different from the one they see for rows and columns. Here is what the values area context menu looks like in current builds. 正如我所说,菜单使用者们所看的数值与他们在行列中所看到数据是不同的。这儿数据区域菜单看上去像当前建立的。
 (Click to enlarge) 点击放大
Just like in the context menu for items on rows and columns we've added a sort menu. However, applying a sort here will sort the items by the values in the Values area instead of by item names so, for example, you can sort products ascending by sales amount. 就像在行列项目菜单中添加了一个排序菜单一样,而这儿所提供的排序是按在数据区域内通过项目名称进行的排序,例如,你可以按升序方式对销售量进行产品排序。
Expand to detail 扩展到明细
Expand to detail allows you to query for the rows from the source data that were included for calculating the aggregated value in the selected cell. 扩展到明细允许你查询来自被选单元格中包括计算合计的数据源的记录行。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
Here is a screenshot of the source data rows returned in the example when performing the "expand to detail" operation. The rows are placed in a new worksheet. 这儿是本例中数据源数据行返回的截图,当执行"扩展到明细"操作时,这些数据行被放在新的工作表中。

(Click to enlarge) 点击放大
注:本文翻译自http://blogs.msdn.com/excel ,原文作者为David Gainer(a Microsoft employee),Excel Home 授权转载。严禁任何人以任何形式转载,违者必究。
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