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[推荐]“&”和 “+” 的区别




发表于 2006-1-13 15:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Difference Between & and + There are times when you may need to concatenate something to a string, but only if the string actually has a value. For example, you may want to include the Middle Initial in a person’s full name. If you write code like this strFullName = FirstName & " " & MiddleInitial & " " & LastName you will have a small problem. People with no middle name(it is null in the table) will have two spaces between their first and last names, like this: Tom Smith Fortunately, there is another concatenation operator: ”+”. The technical explanation of this operator is “concatenation with null propagation.” That’s a great phrase to impress your friends with at parties, butan easier explanation is that it concatenates two strings like the ”&” operator, but only if both strings have a value. If either one is Null, the result of the whole concatenation operation is Null. +连接两个非Null字符串时的作用与&相同,但只要其中的一个字串为Null值,则连接结果就会是Null Using our FullName example, the goal is to have only onespace separating First and Last names if there is no Middle Initial. Using +, we can tack on the extra space only if the Middle Name is not null: MiddleName + " " The whole thing looks like this: strFullName = FirstName & " " & (MiddleInitial + " ") & LastName 在MiddleInitial为Null值时,(MiddleInitial + " ")中的“+”避免了用“&”时在FirstName与LastName中出现两个空格的不合理结果。 Notice that you can use parentheses () to ensure that the operations happen in the correct order. In this case, the inner phrase (MiddleInitial + " ") will evaluate to the Middle Initial plus a space, or to null (if there is no middle initial). Then, the rest of the statement will be performed.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-13 15:18:44编辑过]



发表于 2006-1-13 15:20 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2006-1-16 08:44 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2006-2-6 11:08 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用[I]FENGJUN[/I]在2006-1-13 15:17:44的发言:[BR]The Difference Between & and + There are times when you may need to concatenate something to a string, but only if the string actually has a value. For example, you may want to include the Middle Initial in a person’s full name. If you write code like this strFullName = FirstName & " " & MiddleInitial & " " & LastName you will have a small problem. People with no middle name(it is null in the table) will have two spaces between their first and last names, like this: Tom Smith Fortunately, there is another concatenation operator: ”+”. The technical explanation of this operator is “concatenation with null propagation.” That’s a great phrase to impress your friends with at parties, butan easier explanation is that it concatenates two strings like the ”&” operator, but only if both strings have a value. If either one is Null, the result of the whole concatenation operation is Null. +连接两个非Null字符串时的作用与&相同,但只要其中的一个字串为Null值,则连接结果就会是Null Using our FullName example, the goal is to have only onespace separating First and Last names if there is no Middle Initial. Using +, we can tack on the extra space only if the Middle Name is not null: MiddleName + " " The whole thing looks like this: strFullName = FirstName & " " & (MiddleInitial + " ") & LastName 在MiddleInitial为Null值时,(MiddleInitial + " ")中的“+”避免了用“&”时在FirstName与LastName中出现两个空格的不合理结果。 Notice that you can use parentheses () to ensure that the operations happen in the correct order. In this case, the inner phrase (MiddleInitial + " ") will evaluate to the Middle Initial plus a space, or to null (if there is no middle initial). Then, the rest of the statement will be performed.



发表于 2006-2-20 11:00 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2006-9-24 00:18 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2006-9-25 09:57 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用chenhuafu在2006-2-6 11:08:45的发言:
以下是引用[I]FENGJUN[/I]在2006-1-13 15:17:44的发言:[BR]The Difference Between & and +
There are times when you may need to concatenate something to a string, but only if the string actually
has a value. For example, you may want to include the Middle Initial in a person’s full name. If you
write code like this
strFullName = FirstName & " " & MiddleInitial & " " & LastName
you will have a small problem. People with no middle name(it is null in the table) will have two spaces
between their first and last names, like this:
Tom  Smith
Fortunately, there is another concatenation operator: ”+”. The technical explanation of this operator is
“concatenation with null propagation.” That’s a great phrase to impress your friends with at parties, butan easier explanation is that it concatenates two strings like the ”&” operator, but only if both strings have a value. If either one is Null, the result of the whole concatenation operation is Null.
Using our FullName example, the goal is to have only onespace separating First and Last names if there
is no Middle Initial. Using +, we can tack on the extra space only if the Middle Name is not null:
MiddleName + " "
The whole thing looks like this:
strFullName = FirstName & " " & (MiddleInitial + " ") & LastName
在MiddleInitial为Null值时,(MiddleInitial + " ")中的“+”避免了用“&”时在FirstName与LastName中出现两个空格的不合理结果。
Notice that you can use parentheses () to ensure that the operations happen in the correct order. In this
case, the inner phrase (MiddleInitial + " ") will evaluate to the Middle Initial plus a space, or to null (if there is no middle initial). Then, the rest of the statement will be performed.


寻找一个值。 如您在人的全名中寻找字节时。 代码如下,

strFullName = FirstName & ““& MiddleInitial &” “& LastName

您会发现一个小问题。 全名中间没有中间名(它在表里是空的)如Tom Smith的空间(space)

Tom Smith

幸好有另一置符: ”+”能弥补以上不足. 这置符解释是

“concatenation with null propagation.”最能在派对打动您们的朋友, "&"的作用更加容易解释是它连接两个string , 但,只有当两个字串的值。 如果二者之一为空的, 整体运算结果是空的。


使用以上例子, 最初如果没有中间,目标仅是一个空间分隔

名字和姓。 使用+符, 若中间名字不为空,我们可以另加:

MiddleName + " "


strFullName = FirstName & " " & (MiddleInitial + " ") & LastName

在MiddleInitial为Null值时,(MiddleInitial + " ")中的“+”避免了用“&”时在FirstName与LastName中出现两个空格的不合理结果。


在(MiddleInitial +  " ")内,将判断中间字符加上了空间, 或零位(如没有中间)。 然后, 其余声明将会执行。



发表于 2006-9-25 10:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-3-5 18:15 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2010-1-11 19:51 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 slbjw 于 2010-1-11 19:52 编辑 ]
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